Hi all.
I have a tendency to rattle on and a seeming inability to keep things concise. I apologise ahead of time for this.
Animals and music. My two favourite things in the world. I have 2 cats, 2 dogs, 3 fish, 6 ducks, 6 hens and a rooster, a rat and a budgie. Despite this I keep a clean, odour free house.
I'm in my mid thirties and have played guitar for 23 years. It takes up most of my spare time. I'm terrible at seeings thing through to completion but guitar is the one thing I have never turned my back on. It was spawned from a love of music of course. Tool is my favourite band, they have been since Aenima dropped. I love a lot of bands and genres though. Just about anything, save for gangsta rap and country music. I don't frown on people who like the music I don't, if their music does for them what my music does for me, who am I to question it?
I haven't been here long but I enjoy this forum and site quite a lot. My trusted friends often look at me with a confused grin when I speak of my adventures and misadventures with substances. They don't know who Terence McKenna, Sasha Shulgin, Timothy Leary or Casey Hardison are. I love them just the same.
DMT has become my weapon of choice, and did so very quickly. I seek nothing profound from it, just that.. detached euphoria? I don't know. I lack the vocabulary to describe it at this point but I hope to be able to relate it better as time passes.
That's about it. I look forward to communicating and hopefully adding to the collective understanding of this substance and forum.
"..dimethylated spirits on fire in me.."