Hello, thought I'd join and introduce myself a bit. I'm an 18 year old student from Northern Ireland with a keen interest in drugs of all nature - both in the experience and the science behind them. I've taught myself a decent amount of organic chemistry as well as some pharmacology (but nothing really impressive yet).
I've experimented with a few substances but the main ones are cannabis, mushrooms, aMT, dextromethorphan, MDMA, salvia and mephedrone. AMT was my strongest psychedelic experience, but this might have a different meaning to some other users on here - some may use any psychoactive substances for spiritual purposes but I use it more as a way to experience new things. The way I see it, I've experienced stuff with my mind that some people will live their entire lives without seeing - I'm sure you all have felt the same way about a particular experience in some point in your lives.
Sometime soon I hope to do my own extraction so I can finally try DMT, but for now I'm hopefully going to stick around here and participate in any discussions and help others if possible.