Thank you for the warm welcomes. dooby, my transition from military life to civilian life was a challenge, but thankfully I was able to cope fairly well because of family. I joined the military to pursue a career in law enforcement, but after five years, I had evolved through my experiences and realized a different goal.
My first encounter with Ayahuasca was in the jungles of Peru. It was a retreat. Originally ayahuasca satsangha, but now it has branched off known as - la familia medicina. I was very lucky to have stumbled on this place online. I embarked on this journey during November of last year. Prior to my leaving, I had devolved into a dark place, because of my PTSD, and the marital problems resulting from it. Once I made the decision to leave, I prepared my mind body and soul through yoga, meditation, and a rigorous workout routine. Before I left, my wife suggested that I take shrooms so that I could have some experience with psychedelics. 'Cue in the Rocky training music'
Nothing can really prepare you for an experience with ayahuasca. Our group was told that the only thing we can physically control is our breathing - deep full yoga breaths. I had some concerns because of my ptsd, but I needed something to shake my foundations, and mother Aya was just the thing. My experiences were out of this world, but I'll leave that for another post/topic.
endlessness, for my next encounter I plan on either returning to the la familia medicina retreat, or to Brazil. I have always associated the jungle with ayahuasca, and the down and dirty experience with it as well. I'm not into "comfortable" resort settings. I need the full experience. My experience with psychedelics is limited to shrooms and ayahuasca.
Semper Fi, I mean psy