Good Morning luminous First Snow, as well as you the reader, the experiementer!
Ib, currently this account appears to me as a way to strengthen this Will to Be. A 'dream' diary, an autobiography never endeth. Experimentation in Improving me as an Artist, a Companion, and a Lover. Past accepted, present (or the very spectrum between the polarities
Past/Thanatos and
Future/Eros) live, future to be known. For there is no coincidence!
Let All be Love, and Love be the Law. Love is the Law, Love under Will.Continuum of myself: getting more and more away from the Anxiety, all those old bad habits/& habitations that used to chain me, to getting more and more into the Love, the Self-to-Be:
the artist, lover, and beloved. I reaped, in the past, from being fascinated by the delirium, the melancholy, the occulture (especially influenced by Coil, Death in June, Current 93, Sopor Aeternus, and Chaos Magick), and being tormented, paralyzed, by the fears that slaved me. And I, nowadays, sow, or try to, love (as in having a relationship for the first time,
the Lover & Beloved, being more comfortable with others and more desirous about being social, and having more compassion for others), sexuality (Thanatos, death, travels in lovemaking, orgasms as bardo states), divestment of daydreaming & planning (as seen as not getting anything, really, done, talking and thinking same things, procrastination, inhibition), and investment in visionarism (to be more pioneering, from armchair occultist/thinker to practitioner/doer).
Stimulation. Feeling more. Belief. Desire. Accepting 'the good' as well the 'the bad' things happening around me and having an effect on my daytoday living. Karmic events, where might lie the ways of time travelling. Fools be fools, yet still become Magicians, & more.
Thee O.A. Triangle is of graphical (fine art, nontraditional), musical (melodies made of samples, enhanced with, or without, recordings recorded with contact microphone, both 'the ready made' and the instruments played), and textual (invocation, writing down what to be done). Shall thank Inspiration, and have Belief in being inspirational, helpful, beautiful to others.
Have faith and will to do, have faith and will to do, have faith and will to do.
In, and Out.
I hope to at least entertain You, and to be of inspiration to others and to be of information (
scientific as well as empirical) to others. Also that I will find this as an useful platform to better myself.
"Come along,
For that is the way I planned it."