Hello everybody, my name is Nick, and I'm a new member to this website. Through my recent independent research, i found this website, and have been reading some experience reports and topics within the forums, and so far I've enjoyed what i have read. I decided to join this community in order to be able to share my experiences, and connect with others who i share similar experiences with. I have had a few experiences with this wonderful substance this year, the first time being a few months ago, the first time that i tried it. My mind was completely boggled, it was so much more than i had expected it to be, but it was infinitely beautiful, and I'm so happy to have found a place where others can agree! I'd like to get to know some people here, and I'll certainly be sticking around.
The trick is to combine your waking rational abilities with the infinite possibilities of your dreams. Because if you can do that, you can do anything.