Global wrote:I can't recall going to a gold temple exactly, but I can relate to the idea of going to pre hyperspace waiting rooms it's as if it's like "please wait here whilst we calibrate your trip". It's usually only a couple seconds before things start moving along. The waiting rooms I go to...very hard to describe but there's lots of pull-out drawers and baskets...
There were drawers here, and when they opened I could see different places inside them.
One opened and I could see a dark place but it soon shut.
It was like I was going up in to it.
I was being mentally examined.
Before been blasted off.
I only took enough just to get there.
It was like my "purity" was being determined.
That might sound strange but thats what it felt like.
I came away smiling from this one. ;-)
I am a liar, a compulsive liar, I love making up stories.
Do NOT believe a word I say!
When I talk about "I", I mean my friend, not me, my friend.
When time stands still and the world is removed, behold for this is the hidden kingdom..............