My searches into the world of Ayahuasca has lead me here and it seems a very nice place, so I thought I'd sign up and hang around for a while if that is okay?
I work with sound and music for a living so much of my existence is about tapping dreams, feelings, emotion and trying to render those ideas intuitively. Many years ago my experiments with psychedelics showed me that there was another way to look at things and it felt very connected with what I was trying to do in my work.
Life happened and I became too busy and burdened with responsibility to make those psychedelic voyages of discovery and learning quite so often. Maybe I have walked for too long and forgotten just what it was that started me down the path in the first place.
But now it feels like time to join the long line that began with passion, naievity and wonder and slowly morphed into wisdom, back around on itself and complete that circle. To form the complete person finally. Thats why I'm searching and reaching out, thats what has brought me here.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to sharing ideas and inspiration with you all.