Hi! I'm Calidruid and look forward to collaboration with all beings on this pretty awesome site! I've been a lurker for a while, and decided to just jump in! Why not, right?!
I am a student of esoteric practice (I'm always the student btw..lol), and would like to learn additional enhancements to my spiritual practices. I am not a "noob" when it comes to ye olde trip. However, I AM a noob with DMT. I believe that this is a key to a door that I would like to open. I am ready.
On the mundane, I'm a Viticulture and Enology student as well as working in the wine industry here in California. I practice Biodynamics in the Vineyard, I am very spiritual, and bring that vibe with me when working with the vines, or when fermenting and aging wines. I have a wonderful like minded husband and 2 teenagers at home. We assimilate quite easily with our outward appearances (by California standards), but we are quite an avante garde family.
This is a process for me, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am quite familiar with chemistry (having been an Enology student AND working with fermentation and sanitation practices), that I hope to pull my own extractions prior to the full moon and/or Halloween this month. My first use, will be my initiation into expansive consciousness with aid, in which I will be an initiate for the full cycle of the year. I want to learn and grow as much as I am able within that cycle. Afterwards, maybe I can offer advise, but until then...I am the Noob...lol! I will be asking more questions than offering answers.
I am humbled to be able to pull from this awesome resource of knowledge, and thank every one of you for aiding me in my learning and growth as a fellow spiritual being.
Peace! xxoo