I wanted to give this a little more exposure, solicit for more feedback, and move this trip report to a more logical thread
than where I originally posted it.
I said I would report back again. I tried the egg white clarification. I live by the scientific method, afterall. Trial and error by careful lab notebook.
30g acacia confusa + 6g syrian rue
Another 3g syrian rue in a stevia sweetened ginger tea, sipped slowly over the first two hours of the voyage.
tek wrote:I tried a slow simmer, 3x 2 hours in a large crockpot with the cover on. Each time pouring the full liquid into a large stockpot, and immediately continue to soak the wood pulp with freshly heated water with fresh lemon and vitamin C added with each fresh batch of water.
Once all three washes began to reduce to about 1.5L, it was very murky, very dark red. It was literally 1.5L of viscous blood, all unfiltered at this point. I stirred and poured in two egg whites into the sub-simmering steaming water. It took longer than 2 minutes for the white to solidify into protein globs. The stirring was a mistake! Most of the egg was whisked into tiny, tiny little globules of goo. I scooped out the clumps as fast as I could without haste, and set up another stock pot with a large coffee filter in a strainer that sat on top. The blood red turned into vomit brown after the egg goo was floating around.
After filtering through the coffee filter, very little silt was caught in the egg. What was caught in the filter was a flat gray colored goo. The liquid that came through the filter was a beautiful translucent red. It was back to a blood red again, but this time, held in a glass container to the light, was beautifully translucent. Success. ....At least mostly a success.
This was a long cooking process. I don't think I will ever plan to spend this much time to repeat this again. What I would later discover is that, yes, the brew must have been weakened some... How much? At worst by 50%. At the least, maybe 10% (maybe). It's hard to guess how much. Let me explain why.
I continued to reduce further. In fact, I reduced probably further than I should have. The final volume for all that material was ~150mL (oops! Should have been 250mL). I let it sit in a glass flask overnight, sealed. In the morning I voyaged.
In the morning, the thick, blood red liquid was darker in the cold. I put the flask in a warm water bath and shook it every few minutes to redissolve a lot of the fine red sediment that did NOT come from the wood, but really did precipitate from the translucent red liquid I saw the night before. Warming it gently and shaking brought it back to solution that held without too much repeated shaking, but it was still a dark, viscous red again... Very thick stuff...
(-30 minutes) Small amount of cannabis to aid nausea.
(Time Zero)
I drank the first 30mL at 10am.
+20 Feelings of joy.
+26 Starting sipping S. Rue tea.
+30 Body vibrations. Energy flowing through me.
+36 I want go to deep.
I drank another 30mL. Nausea okay. A little at a time is key. Huge shots all at once are not a good idea if you want to keep it down.
Even in the sunlight of day the visuals are beyond my control. Everything is beautiful. I can see the details our primate eyes do not see.
+55 Gone. Deep.
+1:10 Purge. Rejuvenating. Life flows freely again.
+1:13 Can I push further into the abyss? Will my body carry me safely?
+1:27 It's calling me to surrender. This is what I want. This is why I came to this place.
+1:31 Icaros guides me. My body needs breaks. This is exercise like any other.
+1:41 Small amount of cannabis to relieve my body woes and let the walls of my inner fortress open. My mind is impenetrable. Not even I can (yet) have the power to open the doors to my heart and soul.
My entire life has been spent mindfucking, and playing psychological games with people rather than sharing my deep compassionate love with them. The riddles of my inner machinery is clear to me. I'm addicted to outsmarting the people I love, and setting psychological traps for them. Games are pure distraction from what is important in life.+1:53 Exploring flow experience through my animal vessel.
+2:02 (Beginning to scribble in my journal) I am having trouble seeing the 3-dimensional world.
I can't see past the visuals. I am deep in the shit now. Laughter! Uproarious laughter and joy! I am at home in my growing kingdom. My prowess grows stronger as I nurture the soil in which my roots nest.
+2:10 Still holding on strong. Haven't surrendered yet. Aya is calling me... Beckoning me to dive back in--dive deeper into the abyss. My naive bravery is strong enough to carry me far, far away, where only foolhardy and ignorant get lost, or where The True Warrior can go voyage safely to.
+2:15 Stretching and exploring my sanctuary. Grounding myself in the comforts of my safe sanctuary.
+2:17 The light tells me
life rewards courage.
+2:37 Ready for launch:
I drank another 30mL.
I have tapped into the predatory soul of the world. Balance is the key to sustaining all life. I am a born predator of the abstract.
It has told me to exercise my bravery when I return. Build your prowess, it says. Keep going. Fears do not serve you anymore.+2:47 Going deeper.
I drank another 30mL. And I finish the last of the S. Rue tea.
+2:56 (Switched to audio recordings and scribbles) I have not surrendered yet. I feel strong. I fear nothing. I have been completely swamped by this confusing world. Cognitive faculties are in check, fortress holding strong, but the walls are weakening. Clarity of thought is a difficult struggle.
Meditating on the love in my heart maintains my cognitive faculties. It is all I have left. My body is gone. Only my soul remains.
(+3 hours) Still headed towards the peak.
While meditating, I was shown by the light that my sacral chakra needs to strengthen and open. Posture. Confidence. This has been the direct cause of my ulcerative colitis all my life.+3:05
The Choice: Learn to listen to your inner voice, and tune in it to the immediate needs and care of your body, or you will perish. Choose the Hero's Journey, or be annihilated and forgotten. The Choice is yours to make. You are a rare breed of creature with unusual needs. Live well, or die a slow death.
Your fortress blocks out the music of your soul, it tells me. I still have not surrendered.
It does not matter if my eyes are open or closed now. I only see and hear visions. Laughter. Uproarious laughter! This is what you came for....
+3:24 I am ready to free myself.
+4:57 Small amount of cannabis to relieve my body woes and let the walls of my inner fortress open. Still no surrender.
+5:24 Peak passing. Had a beautiful heart to heart connection with my significant other. She called. It was almost like her soul reached out to mine to lend me the strength to keep going. I welcomed her to my growing, abstract kingdom. We are building a kingdom, I told her.
She accepted my invitation to expand our realm, protect and nourish the roots we share, and grow together harmoniously. We are both late bloomers in life. Beauty awaits us in the future. Patience. Work is coming ahead.
Fear is the most powerful distracting force of all of nature. It is what balances life on the brink of death. I dare go deeper. Diving back in deep again.
I drank another 30mL.
+5:49 My fortress is crumbling. As I approach the deepest voyage I've ever conceived of in all of my life, now my body is screaming for sleep and food. But I'm deep in the shit again.
My animal vessel is now holding on for dear life.
Full surrender comes and goes in waves now.... There is no fighting it anymore. I lay down in the sunlight in my sanctuary and allow my brain and body to rest. I have a long voyage still ahead.... Let the energy of life flow through you. Accept full surrender....
Peace, love, and joy await you....+5:55 (Lost my cognitive faculties by ~90%. Scribbles and whispers into the audio recording only)
The darkness shows you the infinite. Relax, it says.
Quiet the brain. You don't need it here. You are safe. Relax. Relax to protect your body. Save your strength.
+7:00 Still peaking.
1.0mg Klonopin taken to make my brain shut the fuck up. Starting to get trapped in distracting logical loops my mind doesn't have the energy to work through.
Exhausted..... Relax. Enjoy the ride, it says. It is only as rough as you make it....
+7:20 Accept the pain of life. Connect with your body. Rest. Enjoy.
(+8:00 Hours)
Coming off the tail end of the peak.
Biggest surfing lesson of my life!+8:20 My loving significant other arrives home. She brings her warm smile and comforting touch. I am still in the tail of the peak, but
I am beginning to bask in The Afterglow!+9:00 Life is beautiful beyond beautiful. My body and brain are exhausted. The journey is coming to an end.....
I still see visuals beyond which I can control. But I can work through them. I cooked a fabulous dinner on autopilot.
My sense of taste and smell vanish once the soul transcends the body. I am grateful to have them back. Food is wonderful. =)
+11:00 Still swaying to the sound of my soul's inner harmony. Small amount of cannabis to ease my mind and body towards sleep. My body needs recovery time now... Overwhelmed by feelings of joy and compassionate love.
This morning, after waking up from a deep, restorative sleep, I took an easy walk instead of my usual morning run. And instead of running through the city streets and park where the homeless people are in the process of abandoning their makeshift camps, I brought with me warm bread and a thermos of coffee. I made lasting eye contact with them as I strolled past them, one by one, until I found someone that smiled back at me. It's in that happy gaze that I can see their true nature. I gave him my warm food and coffee. His name was Jeff. I told him I am happy to meet my neighbors. The act of compassionate giving is what heals our inner pain. It felt wonderful. It clearly made his day. He didn't want me to leave, lol. I told him I'd be back sometime again.
So whether or not it reduced the strength of the brew, it doesn't really matter (this time). This voyage was the deepest I've ever gone (4th voyage, 3rd breakthrough voyage). I don't think it's necessary to push your body and mind as hard as I did in order to receive the healing power of plant medicine, but it is important to me to test the true strength of my inner fortress. My burgeoning kingdom is only as strong as the fortress and gates I reign supreme over. The bravest of the brave have something to prove, but only to themselves. This type of journey is not for everybody. I know for a fact that no other close friend I know can withstand the terrors of the lost mind and come back again, only to brush it off like it's no big deal. Most would be traumatized by this repeat diving into the abyss for 11 hours straight. PLEASE, IF YOU ARE READING THIS, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REPEAT THIS JOURNEY WITHOUT FIRST TESTING THE WATERS AND LISTENING TO WHAT YOUR MIND, BODY, AND SOUL ARE CAPABLE OF HANDLING. RESPECT THE PRECIOUSNESS OF LIFE.
Reader: You have been warned.