I'd like to know if anyone here as ever had an experience meeting someone that left you completely awestruck. A feeling that there is something surreal or paranormal about them?
Around a month ago a very good friend of mine invited me over to his house where I ended up spending the night. The next morning he decided he wanted to have kind of a get together at his house since he had the house to himself that night. Later that day some good friends & I were hanging out on his patio drinking when a group of three kids showed up that I didn't recognize. They introduced themselves and they all seemed to be nice, friendly group.
One of them who I'll call J pulled out a baggie of coke and started doing some lines with his friends and asked my friend and I if we wanted any acid. My first assumption was that this kid had no idea what he was talking about and was doing lines of god knows what kind of RC. He then pulled out a baggie with about five and a half sheets of blotter paper and tore off what I'd guess to be around fifteen hits and put them in his mouth. My next assumption was that this acid couldn't be very good if he had just taken fifteen hits. I hadn't done acid in about two years and was extremely cautious with it due to a bad trip I had the last time I had done it and a psychosis that had landed me in juvenile corrections and psyche wards (note that this wasn't due to the bad trip I had). My friend and I both declined, thanked him, and told him we'd keep it in mind. I had a music festival I was camping at that weekend and was planning on saving myself for that.
Later on that I talked to my good friend H about whether he felt like taking acid would be a good idea for us, we both have very similar beliefs and values when it comes to hallucinogens and we had wanted to do acid together for a very long time. Come about 11pm I decide to ask him for a hit. Turns out J has both liquid and blotter and asks me which I'd rather take, he tells me the liquid is concentrated. I take the safe route and ask for a hit of blotter, he informs that it is very high quality and took him a span of three days and multiple taxi rides to get the stuff, apparently the guy that sold it isn't very reliable when it comes to meeting up. I place the hit under my tongue and within five minutes I can feel a heavy body high coming on. Oh god, I remember this feeling, this is very pure, very strong acid. I immediately spit the hit out terrified of what I'd just done.
I love acid, don't get me wrong, its nothing short of amazing, but for me it can be both my best friend and my worst enemy. I take to pacing around and drinking water for about forty-five minutes, once I feel comfortable with the body high I ask for another hit... An hour later and I am frying incredibly hard. Beautiful, stunning, overwhelming, I've been here before. I sit there, speechless, studying this man whom came out of nowhere with by far the best acid I've ever had and happens to take fifteen hits. He looks perfectly fine, amazing actually. This acid doesn't seem to faze him in the least, that warm smile, the witty remarks, the hilarious stories. What the fuck is happening? Two hours later my buddy H and I both seem to be losing it... loop upon loop. Yet, I can't seem to stop thinking about this J guy, there's just something about him. I also forgot to add that J and his friend that he brought along we're both doing incredible amounts of crystal bk-MDMA. I try and I try to keep myself sane, I remember how I lost in the first place now. I just can't get him out of my head, something doesn't add up. Is this guy an alien, demon, messiah? I'm losing it, thought after thought nailing into my head like a hammer.
I'm now out on the patio, holding on for dear life, trying to make sense of the conversations floating round. J informs us that he has an extensive history of dosing people when he believes they need it. He explains how he used to be a former opiate addict which doesn't seem to worry him because his body is just a vessel. Now I've heard that saying before, it is by no means original but this seems to stick with me to this day. My friend H's trip seems to be taking a down turn, hes sitting in his chain with his hands pulling his hair back, sweating profusely, I feel the utmost empathy for him. A few hours pass and I'm down stairs losing it again, laying on the couch staring up at the ceiling. We have a crazy light and sound set up down here and it is extremely intense. A couple of kids take turns coming down stairs to play music on their turntables. For some reason my friend H and I's trips seem to revolve around each other, right when I start coming back to sanity he loses it. I'm not sure to explain it but I feel an extremely strong paranormal presence. I slowly start coming down, I head back upstairs to watch the sunrise to find J playing a song on his phone. This is THE song, the song I lost my mind to before I got locked up. I am shocked beyond belief. There always seems to be one song that I end up hearing every time I do LSD or Mushrooms that bring in a flood of memories and emotions and this is it.
As the sun rises I'm slowing arriving back in reality but the experience is still there, I don't feel any differently about those thoughts I had that night, I'm completely aware that it could have all been in my head but I know it's more than that. Around 6 or 7 in the morning everyone starts leaving, my friend and I both thank J and study him some more. He pulls out his vial of concentrate and drips a large line of liquid on his hand and licks it up, followed by another. He asks us if we want anymore acid with a smile, we laugh and decline. He then asks if we want any Clonazepam to help us settle down, he also mentions how he is against the recreational use of it but it can be a huge help with hallucinogens. We take him up on the offer. My friend H and I split a 2mg pill and try to relax and talk about our night. It seems he felt the exact same way about J all night. I am completely awestruck, I did not expect this.
I'd love any and all feedback from anybody. Feel free to share similar experiences or your own thoughts on this.