pinoline is very interesting... and it seems that there may actually be other MAOI in there as well but i don't have links on hand at the moment
Its odd and unfortunate that its not readily available to purchase like melatonin is, since it would be very interesting to try...and its supposedly a much more powerful anti-oxidant than even melatonin. I know one member here who has made some himself and consumed it, and noted how powerfully sedating it is (i forget what if any other effects he reported). I think this is probably one of the key chemicals behind others and my own harmala-esque experiences at night or during things like meditation.
Melatonin can also metabolize into pinoline... and on high doses of melatonin during meditation things can get pretty interesting.
I made a long post
here to sort of summarize some of my thoughts on this area.
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"