I had become interested in the effects of Magnolia Bark after trying the patented formulation of Relora, which is a 2:1 mixture of powdered magnolia bark and phellodendron. It seems to show great promise in being a pleasant GABAergic substance. As I was pondering the possibility of obtaining some fresh bark for further assays, I recalled that sitting in my garage in a dark and cool place I had stashed away what is probably the largest amount of Galbulimima bark in anyone’s possession in the western world, barring pharmacological development organizations. The bark was identified and given to me by a well-known Australian semi-professional ethnobotanist a couple of years ago, sourced from north Queensland, Australia. Quite frankly I was scared to try a series of bioassays on it at the time, due to its relatively unknown nature and mechanisms of action. I had also had a nasty experience with amanita around that time and was unwilling to go anywhere near other psychedelic substances that purportedly had their major action on the muscarine receptors. A small sample was tried many years ago, by me and a friend, the details of which can be found at
www.shaman-australis.com/forums/ or here.-A size of bark equivalent to a 10c piece was thoroughly masticated and a mild anxiolytic effect was felt, and that was about all there was to say about this bark ethnobotanically apart from traditional reports and one western report found here.
Let me say at the outset, that I am gravely unsure that this substance should be released unto the world. I think if it ever became available mainstream then it could well be likened to a plague visiting humanity. I also realize that there is no holding back on the inquest of the human mind, and that at some point, if it is not me that is introducing the entheogenic effects of this bark to the world then one day, it will be someone else. I am sadly aware that the transmission of this information will only heighten curiosity in this substance, yet also feel that it is my responsibility to report on what I have found, if only to highlight the dangers. I feel like I am introducing Quetzalcoatl. (Please indulge the melodrama – this was written shortly after the tryptamine combination described below)
The Assays: it must be remembered that the age of the bark may have diminished or even changed the alkaloidal content in the bark somewhat – also it must be remembered that due to its age its moisture content is also extremely reduced, probably rendering the bark per unit of weight much higher in alkaloidal concentration.
A significant amount of bark was broken into tiny pieces and thoroughly ground in an electric coffee grinder/ice grinder until finely powdered and partially fibrous 2.5mm needles. In my system is 2 drinks of Kava, prepared from about 2 teaspoons, and 4mg of oxazepam.
T:0.00 half a teaspoon (1.25g) of the bark was washed down quickly with a small glass of water. Taste is very bitter, almost quinine-like, and slightly hot, in a cinnamony sort of way.
T:0.30 A funny feeling in my head with a slight relaxation of the physical and cognitive faculties. It feels like I am slightly drunk, with a bit of a headache in the frontal cranium.
T:0.50 Another half teaspoon is washed down with water. The drunken feeling increases after another half hour, with a noticeable anxiolytic effect. I feel calmer and my sense of time seems to slow down, but not significantly.
T:2.00 the effects seem to have stopped. I decide to go to bed, and as I enter the dark room there is a brief “remote viewing” flash, for maybe about half a second, a scene before my eyes that is completely still, colourful and real.
T:11.00 I wake up after having experienced very confrontational dreams all night. There seems to be a motif of childhood memories with a sense of having to justify one’s personality to a random assortment of characters.
T: 11.00-20:00 All day I notice a summery, holiday-like antidepressant feeling. I feel slightly numb to ego-problems and sort of drifty - quite mellow, amenable and well balanced really. There seems to be no cognitive, emotional or social impairment. In fact, it aids social activity.
T: 24.00 (hereafter 0.00) I decide to try 2.5 (6.25g) heaped teaspoons of the powdered bark. As before, it is washed down with a glass of water.
T:0.25 effects come on strongly. The alkaloids here seem to be absorbed by the body extremely rapidly. I have never really known a substance to act so fast orally.
T:0.40 I am staggering, can’t balance properly and stumble into the wall. My whole mind and body seems to have slowed right down to a point of stillness and absolute tranquillity. I have felt this feeling before but at the time can’t quite seem to remember when or what. There are 2 things that come to my mind at this point: that this could be GABAergic or opioid. But I am wrong: it slowly dawns on me where I have experienced this before: it is a feeling of dissociation, an anaesthetic dissociation, and seems very similar to the effects brought on by DXM, and what I imagine Ketamine to be like. Galbulimima is NOT a psychedelic, it is a dissociative! Reporters in the literature of the “sleepiness” induced by this bark had obviously not experienced dissociative anaesthesia and thus used the terms of description most familiar in their vocabulary. There is an unmistakeable NMDA antagonist signature to the experience. This would make it, apart from ibogaine (and related compounds), the only natural-known NMDA antagonist in nature.
T:2.00 The feeling of utter relaxation seems to be waning and the experience is changing into a strangely alert but depersonalized afterglow feeling. I decide to go to bed but I cannot sleep. Upon closing the eyes, there are many “remote viewing” types of scenes flashing before my eyes but they seem quite below the surface, not as fully present to consciousness as similar visions induced by DXM. My sciatic nerves start to ache and I am tossing and turning. There is a curious drifting feeling that sort of feels like sleepiness yet which keeps me awake.
T:4.00 My partner wakes up and a major confrontational scene erupts, and is acting out of control. This proves to be a portentious sign, in keeping with the motif of galbulimima intoxication.
T:6.00 I finally get a couple of hours sleep in the early hours of the morning, and the sleep is filled with confrontational, very vivid, colourful and realistic scenes, combing present anxieties with childhood environments; the backyard on a swing from 25 years ago, sitting around the dining table in the country residence when I was 9. These scenes seem mixed together with present anxieties: alcohol, lack of enthusiasm in self-nature, self-justification to parental figures.
T:10:00 I wake up and am still very much affected. My appetite for food is shot, I do not take any food for nearly T:48 hours. Every time I eat, the visions and galbulimima experience seems to gain force and I have to lie down in bed.
T:24.00 I still feel the effects very strongly, but in a strangely neutral way. If I had to speculate, I would say that the speculated NMDA antagonist in galbulimima binds irreversibly to the receptor. I feel like I need to wash the substance from my head, so I buy some vodka, but it does not really help.
T:32:00 It is morning and I think I have slept about 2 hours tonight. That’s about 4 hours sleep in 48 hours. Constant sciatic pain is brought under control by vitamin B complex tablets.
T:38.00 I am at the beach lying in the ocean on my back. I feel very dissociated for the whole day, and I cannot eat. The substance is very much still in my head, and the effect waxes and wanes. In the afternoon it is particularly strong and I rest for 2 hours, the sub-conscious remote viewing scenes keep flowing through me throughout the whole day. It feels pleasant in some way but I feel like my personality has a permanent visitor, a helping but ultimately anaesthetic spirit.
T:48.00 I drink some more vodka. The galbulimima will not wash from my head. I am still affected. It is scary, because if I have damaged part of my brain I know that there is no-one that can help me. Partly, it is exciting being on this cutting-edge: One gets so used to understanding things that it really seems quite spiritual to have a plant communing with me without me having any idea about its psychopharmacology. I must accept it for what it is. The desire not to eat or sleep seems stronger than ever.
T:50.00 I decide to take half a tab of LSD and 2g of psilocybe mushrooms. Don’t ask me why, I’m not sure.
T:51.30 Utter chaos ensues. I am very experienced with an assortment of chemicals, and I have never experienced anything like this before. It is steep, negative and scary. It is scarier than 5meo-DMT. I eventually work up enough semblance to terminate the trip with 5mg Olanzapine, 15mg oxazepam and 1000mg of phenibut. During this period the galbulimima shines through: it tells me in no uncertain terms its name: “Ghost-bark”. Galbulimima is the Ghost. It is at this stage that I realize the utter devastation that this substance will have on mankind if it ever becomes a mainstream entheogen. It seems like a Philip K Dick sort of nightmare.
T:52.30 I go to bed and fall asleep for 12 hours.
3) I decided to try a daily reduced regeime of the bark to test its therapeutic potential at sub-psychedelic doses.
The trial lasts for 30 days, and on average on each day I take 750mg of the bark before sleeping.
The dreams are beneficial, not as vivid or intense but sleep is light. Most pronounced effect is with social phobia. I feel for the first time in 10 years free to relax socially and make small chat, and feel powerful enough to take to a podium and speak, or have protracted conversations with shop assistants. I am more animated with customers and colleagues at work than I have ever been, and feel quite interpersonally cheerful and unflappable. Whatever section of the brain this acts on, I feel it has great promise pharmacologically as a view to new antidepressant or sociophobic medication.
There is a powerful urge to exercise on this bark, and I begin to sweat it out aerobically for the first time in 10 years. Even 1 month after quitting the regeime, I still retain an increased daily habit of exercise.
After a week, the afternoons bring a strange sort of sleepy malaise, slightly depersonalized, probably about as strong, as say, a standard SSRI. This pretty much disappears into the 3rd week.
Over the month there is 1 side effect worth noting: my neck muscles seem to be in rigor, and every morning I wake up with a terrible headache. Most of the headache seems to be from an aggravation of the C1 vertebra – but there is also a recurrent headache happening in the area of my head around the prefrontal motor cortex, phrenologically speaking.
1 month after, some of the social confidence installed has vacated, yet I still seem somehow more confident.
I had hoped to include in this report a 12.5g dose, a high psychedelic experience. Yet I do not think that at the moment I am up to it and will maybe try it in a year or so. The only other information that I can offer is the following: a very close friend of mine, upon urging, tried 2.5g of the bark before bed. They had vivid confrontational dreams that seem to have sparked a 4-month journey of unburdening and uncovering of repressed feeling and memories, within semblance of normal psychological parameters. However, this experience was not “blind” as they were fully aware of the content of my experience before ingesting.
Galbulimima bark and leaf is currently available at one Australian Ethno vendor as an experimental compound.
To date no live plants are for sale in the marketplace.