Hey Nexus!
I've always been quite interested in blotter art, and have spent many an evening browsing online galleries to see what is on sale these days.
A little while back I stumbled across a post from a well-known Shroomerite who works with blotter art, and then it suddenly came to my mind that this is something I could dive into as well.
I've spent the past couple of days googling and searching around all kinds of forums, but most of what I found was still a bit vague and did not go into any detail at all.
It would be great if anyone experienced with making blotter art could pitch in and give a few pointers on how best to get started, or tips on good equipment and techniques to achieve a high quality print.
I would like to make it absolutely clear that I'm posting here asking for information and advice for hobbyist/art purposes/general interest only, I have no intent of dipping/selling these.
The biggest question I have concerns the perforating.
Searching around I have found a sort of pouncing wheel with a special "dotted" or "dashed" blade that you can roll over the paper (kind of like a pizza roller).
However, I've read buyer feedback that it isn't that simple to drag along the edge of a ruler to make straight cuts, so it would be quite easy to slip up.
Are there any better tools/techniques out there for perforating? Perhaps some sort of stamping tool?
"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." - Albert Camus