this sounds familiar to my story only 2 years ago, id been questioning my thoughts and sanity after a bad break up. for about a year things got darker... until one late Friday night/Saturday morning 4 mates and myself found ourselves absolutely tripping balls walking along a dark beach. there was no light but the ever so slight reflection of the stars on the shore ahead, it was at this point i had the first of many epiphanys. I relised that even tho i could not see where i was or where i was going, i could hear my mates, and we kept eachother on the right track...
sooner it became twighlight and as the liquid set in stronger waves the sky opened up a new day and there i was, surounded by my 4 best mates, covered in sand, laughing and pointing out the crazy things we could see to each other.(like true god i could see the statue of liberty blueprints rolling behind the clouds).(as people started to emerge walking thier dogs along the beach... that realy was the turning point away from the dark headspace i created myself for too long...
i dont know weather this helps, but i hope it does, I found that all it takes is to be around close friends and family, and with the right key to the lock we can change our current outlook and mindsets. i find that lisergic substances that arnt so "out of this world psychedelic" can have a long lasting impression on everyday life when used as a treatment for depression... i hope my story aids u in your journey.