Idk how to start, so here it goes. I tried smoking dmt a few nights ago at a Friends house, but I failed to feel any effects or even get any vapor to form. So I just thought nothing of it I just knew my technique was off. Fast forward a day and I just tried smoking it again when my parents left the house, but my brother was still home. I finally got ALOT of vapor to form and inhaled what i could of it, then all the sudden my vision just changed and I started to hear a humming sound, but I was so scared cause as soon as I felt it I immediately knew that this is not the right setting and time to be smoking right now, so I freaked out hid my stuff and laid in bed and kept telling my self its ok, its ok,its ok and I saw what kind of looked like 4 shadows in my head just moving there hands around my mind. and I felt soo relieved cause I didn't breakthrough all the way and I'm so glad I didn't, cause something was just telling me DO NOT DO THIS RIGHT NOW, I didn't actually hear a voice It was just my mind telling me not to. So I'm gonna wait for a better time to try again with my Friends watching me where I know it is a safe time to do it. My mind feels better in a way right now though It just feels so relaxed, I hope any people new to this like I am will read this and make sure they have the right setting and time to do it. If you don't its gonna scare you, but It will be ok.