Was browsing through Mckenna and Callaway's research
Quote:However, DMT has been reported to be primarily oxidized by MAO-B by Suzuki et al. 1981. This work suggests that the b-carbolines may also inhibit MAO-B partially but that tyramine has a greater affinity for MAO-B and can therefore competitively displace it; explaining the apparent lack of hypertensive crises when tyramine containing food are ingested following ayahuasca. [It was shown by Callaway & McKenna that MAO-B inhibition could in fact occur at the levels ingested by humans drinking ayahuasca)
In Ott's studies, carried on and ate cheese drank wine & took tyramine in large doses disproving this. As MAOA and MAOB both metabolize tyrosine, eating becomes irrelevant.. would assume. Disregarding the dose of caapi or other MAO inhibitor, still wouldn't recommend such a thing, but fasting has always been an inquiry of interest prior to ceremony. Still quite interesting nonetheless.
Thanks LLB
In the end we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught. ~Baba Dioum