Dear Amandadances,
Thanks for sharing your (quite adventurous, I would say) life story. I would even say it is no wonder it brought your attention to DMT... Quite a different experience from MDMA or Coke, isn´t it?
I hope you apologize my only brief remarks to some of the details you shared with us:
amandadances wrote:...Swim thinks she opened her eyes too early
Don´t worry about this too much; there have been a few debates on DMT-Nexus about this already. Once you take a "breakthrough" dose of DMT, it doesn´t really matter whether your eyes are open or closed...
amandadances wrote:... and wonders if she didn't take a large enough dosage
This is always difficult to assess from outside... but the rule of thumb might be something like "if you have doubts, it wasn´t the full (=breakthrough) dose". However, if you ever decide to "up" your dose (after you have extracted your own
), please be very careful with this. Use a precise scale, and increase the dose
amandadances wrote:...have no one to share it with... I don't like to go near the club scene. The porn girls tend to be hard to relate to...
You know, I am afraid that being a "psychonaut" (if this is your future career) is a lonely business. DMT is an ultimate (inner) experience, and as such it is always experienced subjectively, and therefore, possibly very differently...moreover DMT works quite differently tham most of other "drugs" (esp. "speeds" such as MDMA or Cocaine you are familiar with).
To be frank, I don´t think that people from the ´club scene´ or ´porn girls´ (your experiences with MDMA and Cocaine refered to these areas, didn´t they?) would find DMT as something particularly interesting to repeat (although they might - I don´t want to generalize). I have a few personal friends who are experienced with psychedelics, and for me it is sometimes "hard to relate" to even these folks...
amandadances wrote:...Swim thinks she should research and reading everything she can about it before trying it again...
I think this is a very good idea; to learn more about The Infinity (what DMT is "capable" of, etc.), before diving into the maelstorm of The Grand-Weirdness again...
Amandadances: I think this is a good site to read/learn(and share) all about DMT, I am glad you found it