Hi and welcome!
You can use just the plan Caapi leaves to make Changa, But the MAOI effect of it will low. The leaves by themselves Are Not strong enough to make good Changa IMO.
There are some easy Teks to make your Caapi leaves 10X like this one
Tek Here .
If you do a search you will find more Teks and information on how, why, etc.
There are several different species of Cappi, Red, Yellow, etc, which have different strengths and effects. Its a Plant, with leaves and a wooden vine. The vine can be shredded or powered.
Most people use the shredded to brew and the powered to extract Harmalas from IME. AS far as I am aware the whole of the Caapi plant contains wanted ALKs, thats why you can use the leaves or the vine.
Not sure about the liquid As I have never ordered it, But I am guessing it would be a concentrate of a part of the Caapi plant. Meaning, There would be more of the goodies we want in a smaller condensed form, liquid. It depends how they concentrated it.
What did you plan on doing with the acetone?
I would do some more reading around here on the Nexus, all the info you need is here.
Its much easier on yourself if you understand the Whats, whys and hows, before you start a project.
I recommend spending some reading time in the Changa sub forum.
Good Luck!
who's minding the store?- Ram Dass
Mz.Gypzy is a fictional character. I have a very active imagination. I like to make things up, to entertain myself and others on the internet. I do not use, or condone the use of illegal substances. Everything I write here on the Nexus is for pure entrainment purposes only.