I have found an antidepressant effect from caapi that many are reporting hear extends for about a day after the "psychedelic part" of it is over. At smaller doses that don't have or only vaguely have this psychedelic part, this afterglow is minimal; The antidepressant afterglow that seems sustainable on a daily basis, seems mainly to come from medium-large doses. The problem arises when one isn't in a position to be regularly going through these borderline-psychedelic of too emotionally-opening effects, which can be solved if there is a way to take the caapi at night some that it's active after falling asleep. I seem to have a problem with this, in the sense that I'll stay away if it's already started, and then I'll have anticipatory anxiety even if I'm tried or otherwise ready to fall asleep. Taking a sleeping pill isn't sustainable daily... Making a time release version (so that it only begins in say a couple hours) seems unavailable as a method (correct me if i'm wrong)... Please, I'm open to ideas! Also share what you think about microdosing caapi in general in the way I talk about it. In general for you guys, is there a dose you benefit most with for daily use, and/or a dose you find too hard to fall asleep on?