Hi guys. I just acquired two s. divinorum (blosser strains).
Since I currently live in a saliva-illegal state, I had them shipped to my friends house in Massachusetts, and I will take them back from him when I return there in the fall (can't wait
He claims he can keep them alive, but they are very young plants (4-10 inches) and they are very important to me, so I am a little bit anxious about how well he can tend to them. What kind of care should I tell him to give them?
I told him to wash them off when they arrive, give them a little water and put them outside, in a shady spot.
August weather in Mass. has highs in the low 80s/upper 70s and lows in 60s at night. Can young salvia plants handle that? I know they come from a cool part of Mexico, so I'm not too worried.
He said he'll send me pictures when they arrive at his place so I can look at them and decide if he should re-pot them or give them extra care.
Have I made any massive mistakes? Should I be taking something else major into account?
Thank you so much, I love you all
"There are many paths up the same mountain."