Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia. Near Death Experiences generally have common themes and follow the following progression:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NDE#Characteristics1. A very unpleasant sound;
2. A sense of being dead;
3. Pleasant emotions; calmness and serenity;
4. An out-of-body experience; floating above one's own body;
5. Floating up a tunnel with a strong, bright light at the end;
6. Meeting deceased relatives, spiritual figures, or beings of light(often interpreted as being the deity or deities they personally believe in);
7. Being given a life review;
8. Reaching a border or boundary;
9. Being returned to the body accompanied by a feeling of reluctance.
10. Feeling of warmth.
It is interesting how the DMT experience follows every step of the NDE experience. Over the years, I have collected a lot information from people that I know who have tried DMT. Hearing their stories and reading other DMT stories online eventually led me to make a correlation between the DMT experience and what I knew about the NDE. I guess this correlation has been identified and even studied before... Rick Strassman did a study on it and tried to show a correlation between the experience of death and a DMT experience. Anywho.
The thing that first caught my eye was the common experience of traveling through a tunnel during both NDE and DMT experiences. This is a very common occurrence among my friends. The second thing I noticed was once you get to the end of the tunnel, during both experiences, you generally encounter other beings. The more I began to read into it the more I realized that the two were strongly correlated.
From the initial buzzing sound at the beginning of the DMT experience, reports of losing all contact with the body, people often reporting that they were convinced they had died, the way in which your consciousness seems to meld into a boundless and infinite timespace, tantalizing and amazing feelings and revelations, the transition into another realm through a tunnel and the often occurring entity contact that occurs there, the retraction of the DMT space as one begins to return to reality and eventually back into the body, the reluctance that is often felt when having to return back from such a perfect and amazing place, and the amazing afterglow that it gives.
I can't help but identify a very strong parallel between the two. What does that mean? What does that conclude about the two? Well, I have my theories but no way to prove anything. So, as far as the world is concerned, NOTHING!
So what do I think the DMT space is? What is going on in the universe that allows for this impossible experience to even happen? The feeling I get is that this experience is just impossible... it can't even exist... it CAN NOT happen... but it just did and will continue to every time you or someone else goes there. What do I lack in my understanding of the world that does not allow for this experience to exist. It exists, so I am missing something vital understanding.
So, let me go on... and try to explain what I have been lacking my whole life. There is no me and you in the DMT space. Everything is united in one thing... one field... or one vibration as I have seen it described by both internet psychonauts, friends, great historical figures, and modern day physicists/mathematicians. There are different degrees of how separate the self and 'the other' are in the DMT space but it seems to be MUCH more intertwined.
The separation between the self and 'the other' is a temporarily illusion that is impossible to hold onto in this place. The separation between the self and 'the other' here can be related in the following analogy...
Imagine the sun setting on hilly and partially wooded Midwestern landscape. As the sun slips behind the horizon, a hazy fog slowly begins to form across the land. The fog crawls across the landscape and eventually envelopes everything. As the sun begins to rise the next morning, the sun slowly begins to shine through, disintegrate the fog. As the fog disappears the rays of the sun shine through to the surface of the earth and into the forest.
The fog can be seen as the maha maya(great illusion). In our example it represents the perceived separation between our self(ego) and 'the other.' The setting sun can be seen as our birth into the physical body... and the rising sun is represented by either the DMT experience or physical death.
On earth, the split between the self and 'the other' is a daunting barrier that is impossible to be broken. When we are born into the world we are bounded to our body as thongs bind a chariot. It is only OUR consciousness in OUR body and no one else. There is me and then there is 'you' and 'them'.
And that I think is one of the unique things about Earth... incarnating into a physical realm. That is one thing that Earth has to offer that the DMT space can not. The physical separation here is so strong that is binds our consciousness to this body.
The mystery of the other is one of lifes great mysteries. That is why finding a mate to share a deep meaningful intimate relationship with is so important to human nature... and that is also why friendships, family, community, and humanity as a whole are so important to an awakened and realized mind.
It is very interesting when you mix our earthly experience with the DMT experience. It allows our limited restrained physical incarnation to temporarily become intoxicated with that ancient spiritual wellspring that has been long long forgotten. We can become, understand, feel with all of our senses, and interact with that place... that mysterious 'other' that we so long to understand. We can see a world that can't possibly exist to us. I think that is the source of the impossibleness feeling that I get. To be able to cross that "maha maya". To touch that thing that cannot be touched. It is one of the greatest experiences that most people could only hope to have in ten lifetimes.
There are ecologies of souls there. There seems to be different distinct types of beings that occur with a wide spectrum of DMT smokers. I think that, just as on earth these different cultures of entities reproduce... and have their own distinct 'cultures.' there might be an infinite number of societies... just as on earth... except the laws of physics are a bit different there.
All of the posts made are hypothetical and for educatiunal/entertainmint purposes only. SWIM (a fictional chaaracter) and his activities are completely fictional.