I have an idea, simply take 2 capsules of ground Rue, enough to orally activate DMT for 30 minutes (tried and true for me) and then on top of that smoke some Harmala enhanced Caapi leaf (100 grams of Rue Harmalas FB'd and evapped onto 8 grams of Caapi leaf), that way one could possibly keep the experience of oral DMT going, for as long as one keeps the Harmalas in their system. I also have another idea, same in nature except using Moclobemide instead of 2 capsules of Rue to orally activate the DMT, and from there, smoke the Harmalas to bring the Ayahuasca effect to the mix.
I realize one couldn't smoke the Harmala's and activate oral DMT due to smoked Harmalas not inhibiting MAO-A in the gut first (apparently), but if you take just enough Harmalas to activate DMT orally (like 2 capsules of Rue), then the DMT should go on in to the brain at which point the smoked Harmalas could take over. And if smoking Harmalas after taking a little bit of Rue orally to activate the DMT, it should inhibit the very same CYP enzymes as well as MAO-A, in the liver.
I also think that MAO-A isn't the end all be all metabolically speaking with DMT. Harmalas being an MAO-A inhibitor, also inhibit 5 different CYP liver enzymes (primarily CYP2D6) and i was thinking that maybe DMT in the end relies more on certain CYP liver enzymes rather than MAO-A, or maybe even a combination of both.
What triggered this thought was that Moclobemide inhibits 3 of the same 5 liver enzymes that Harmalas do (CYP1A2, CYP2C19 and CYP2D6), and that the many times i took Moclobemide to orally activate DMT i found that the timing needed to be persistent or else the DMT wouldn't become activated. And the MAO-A inhibition of Moclobemide is supposed to be around 16 hours, while the half life of the actual pill is like maybe 1 and half to 2 hours or so. And the plus the DMT only would last an hour with the Moclobemide and would then simply fade away, while the Harmalas (from Syrian Rue for example) can keep DMT around, almost as if it recycles it.
And besides, CYP liver enzymes' primary role is to break down, activate/deactivate and metabolize certain compounds. So it only seems fitting that it should apply to DMT as well, it does for 5-MEO-DMT apparently. Also, the CYP liver enzymes could very well be the cause of apparent differentiation in effects with Shrooms taken with Moclobemide or Rue (according to what i've read about taking Shrooms with MAO-A inhibitors).