summary: geoff and his team dig a huge swale that harvests all the runoff from rainwater and holds the runoff until it sinks into the soil. They piled organic matter on each side and put nitrogen fixing native trees on one side and fruit trees on the other. A few months later, when the jordanians came to maintain it, they noticed mushrooms in the organic matter along the swale! The mushroom mycelium was locking the salt of the desert away into an insoluble form, so it didnt affect the plants!
Also local tribes were finding huge increases of water into their wells
Geoff (from the permaculture research institute of australia) and the jordanian government help desalt the desert! Awesome stuff!!!
Anything is possible
“The swans go on the path of the sun, they go through the ether by means of their miraculous power; the wise are led out of this world, when they have conquered Mara (desire) and his train" Dhammapada
"But is it probable," asked Pascal, "that probability gives assurance? Nothing gives certainty but truth; nothing gives rest but for the sincere search for truth"