Try this grind up all seeds and let sit in alcohol/water mix I'de say about 1 parts water 2 parts high proof liquor I used 151 as my state has banned everclear. And DARKNESS IS A HUGE FACTOR IT WAS THE ONLY TIME I EVER HAD SUCCESS EXTRACTING LSA PROPERLY ENOUGH TO GET DECENT EFFECTS WAS WHEN EVERYTHING WAS KEPT IN THE FREEZER (for storage) (and fridge for preparation) AND DARKNESS is essential I wrapped my jars in tinfoil so that way even minute amoutns of light wasn't getting in there, I let my mix sit for like just under a week shaking a couple times a day as well.
And I've read some research about the LSA>LSD thing but synthesis isn't really something allowed for discussion in this forum I don't think.
Understand: Nature knows no EVIL, Nature knows no GOOD, people know these things, because we perceive these things, with the gift of senses given to us at birth. A good or bad experience is simply a bridge to a another existential time frame, so always live in the moment and make every one a positive moment!
Any and all posts or interactions are to be held as my fictional writings/short stories or dreams. I may even have some delirium setting in, I've never been tested for it. The only exception to this is the statement about nature above, I feel this is a fact!