This is the first time I have joined a forum. However I have been reading and learning from this one for years now. I haven't been extracting much spice recently and when I was I used to feel paranoid about posting on a website dedicated to doing just that. Now I stick mostly to just brewing ayahuasca and playing with a few different plants.
I have a long history of using several different substances. About 5 years ago I had my first glimpse into the dimensions made viewable by dmt. It was with a brew of mimosa hostilis and syrian rue. I went into the experience an atheist just looking for a strong drug experience and came out realizing there's a lot more going on than I had originally realized. The only way I can think to describe it is if reality is a car it was like popping the hood and taking a look at the mechanics that keep it running (if that makes any since). A bit confusing at first, if you know nothing about how a car runs you have no idea which parts are responsible for what when you look under the hood. After several more experiences I started to think I was getting a feel for it. I learned several more times after that that if you don't approach it with respect you should be prepared to have your butt handed to you. Interesting times I will never forget. I remember having to tell myself at one point that I needed to stop freaking out because I can't let these beings I'm seeing see that I'm scared.
Since then I've started trying to grow my own plants. I've been growing psychotria viridis and banisteriopsis caapi for about three years now, a few different trichocereus for two years, a couple rare ayahuasca vines for a year, and just recently I have started growing tabernaemontanas. There's a couple others but those seemed the most relevant to these forums. I stopped using all synthetic psychoactive substances about a year ago. Sticking to natural entheogens feels like the healthier way to go.
Anyways after this time reading these forums and using extraction teks I've seen posted here, I figure it's about time I try to contribute to this invaluable resource that has taught me so much.
I have recently started messing around with trying to extract alkaloids from members of the tabernaemontana genus. So far I've only been able to do a little experimentation with a small amount of tabernaemontana undulata. I should have a larger supply arriving soon to continue my experimentations with. I've tried using sodium carb to crash out the actives from a concentrated solution with moderate success. What precipitated out was definently psychoactive, but I believe a good portion of the actives where still left behind in the solution.
Next I plan on trying to perform an a/b extraction on the plant material, probably with vinegar, pickling lime, and d-limonene. Maybe try salting it out with fasw. After that my next step will be to test the solubility of the fumurate salts in acetone and isopropyl alcohol, to see if FASA or FASI might be a good idea for salting out from d-limonene.
Anyways I look forward to hearing feedback from the many people who post on here who are more knowledgable on these matters than I am and I hope I am able to contribute something other might find of use.