My Name is Krell. I'm young and from North America! I don't know really where to start, so here it goes..
I have always had one life goal; to be HAPPY. Before any of my psychedelic experiences, I was extremely depressed and calloused from a less-than perfect childhood. I felt little and didn't leave the house much except for my boring, un-fulfilling day job.
Ever since I can remember I've been very interested in our ancient human history, especially ancient Egypt. I used to dream about living a past life there, maybe I have! The first experience I had was with MDMA. I still remember, 5-6 years later, the way I looked at myself in the mirror, I loved this person!! Why would I not want to be her friend? Why wouldn't I take care of this temple? I realized those were revelations and feelings I may never feel again, and I was so SO thankful I could experience that moment. It has never left me! FINALLY EMPATHY!
So when a year or so went by and LSD came about, it seemed very natural for me to accept the challenge. My father, now passed, used LSD and I was interested to see what connection I could possibly make with him using the chemical. I have. Lsd has also inspired me to learn more about natural meditation and enlightenment, which is the way I am now living my life. I study neuro-physiology and hope to help everyone feel the love and compassion I feel now, and to appreciate the beauty of life and Earth.
DMT came around only a couple years ago for me. My friend had already done a small cold-water extraction before and showed me the technique (N,N DMT, MHRB). The first time I smoked it, I could NOT break through. It was almost just, too much for me to take in. So, during an intense LSD trip, I decided I would try smoking it since I was already open and my ego was out the door!
I took a breath and suddenly I was no longer alone in my room, yet I remained there. The spirits of the next dimensions were right in front of me, smiling, holding out their helping hands. I realized then.. this is what is real. LOVE. These spirits were all me! I am them! It is so hard for me to put into words, most of my DMT experiences. It's a feeling and we don't have the frequency to even reverberate the true gift that DMT gives.
I am now here to learn more! I want to know the best ways to spread this amazing experience to everyone! Ayahuasca is also an interest of mine, though I have the herbs, I don't feel it's the right time.. quite yet. I love to hear experiences, how these substances have improved others' lives as it has mine. I am hopeful in the future of psychedelic substances and want to be along every step of the way!
Thank you for taking the time to read my story!