I was over reading a post started by a Nexus member by the name of Venom.
Still being a new member, I cant post there, but I was wondering if maybe one of my reasons I am having a hard time achieving Breakthrough is because of my perscription to Xanax which is also in the Benzomatopine class. I dont see any harm in possibly raising my dose and see if it makes a difference. It may be hard to do since vapors are already a little harsh and my throat is sensative(another reason I think I am having a hard time).
Off of my research I also found the possibility that it could be poor vapor, either caused by the machines Ive used, inhaling techniques, or maybe because I have a hard time breathing in a lot at once without choking and coughing it up.
On my agenda, I plan to attempt some mixing ideas almost like sandwhiching, but remaining in my vapor machine I made with an extension to let the vapor slow down before hitting my throat, and after that if no change, I may try to highten the dose.
Any thoughts that may help or relate are welcome.
Thanks for reading I wish you all the best research and always happy travels
Good luck and as always Happy Travels
Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.
Albert Einstein