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So i heard this story that our beloved pickard had people strapped up to a Iv drip with dmt in his silo Say what you want about pickard but that sounds like an awesome plan imo So anyone here ever though about doing this? i have a friend who works as a narcos nurse, he could def get the gear and hook me up in my bed if i asked him. So anything i should know about this? i know that when injecting dmt you have to make sure its super clean, but if im gonna do this i will def make the purest spice possible and try very small doses first before getting in. I could def see this as the ultimate way to ingest dmt, you just lay on your bed with a button to press when you wanna ramp stuff up.
Posts: 1808 Joined: 29-Jan-2010 Last visit: 30-Dec-2023 Location: in the universe
i can see multiple servings of ayahuasca doing a similar thing , only they add harmalas to the mix and don't need an I.V and perhaps one would'nt need to be strapped to the bed and could then actually move around i'v done pretty much the same thing with LSD many a times , years ago illusions !, there are no illusions there is only that which is the truth
 veni, vidi, spici
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sounds dodgy to me. if your hooked up to an IV and you start squirming around you could rip it out, that would be very unpleasant. do you think you can make pure enough DMT in your kitchen? I would just go with Aya. INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1075 Joined: 01-Sep-2010 Last visit: 12-Aug-2019 Location: Out here
Im just playing with the idea really, the chance of this happening is not very big  But i can see this route having a couple of benefits over aya, 1. Since you can just push a button to get more dmt in your blood it will be alot easier to control the intensity compared to aya. 2. Nausea would be greatly reduced or even non existing. 3. You go as long as you want, aya comes down after a few hours and by then you are usually drained so keep drinking can be tough, sure ive done refills and so but i rarely get more then a 5hour trip from aya. Just strap a tube to your genitals and you done even need to go to the bathroom  And if you want you can always preload with harmalas to get that into the exp.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 124 Joined: 07-Dec-2012 Last visit: 30-Dec-2014
SHroomtroll wrote:you just lay on your bed with a button to press when you wanna ramp stuff up. You make it sound like watching tv on your bed, with the remote control comfortably within reach
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1222 Joined: 24-Jul-2012 Last visit: 10-Jul-2020
Yea, I don't agree with this one bit. Just saying, friendly comment : I hope it doesn't work out for you. "Think more than you speak" "How do you get rid of the pain of having pain in the first place? You get rid of expectations" "You are everything that is. Open yourself to the love and understanding that is available." "To see God, you have to have met the Devil." "When you know how to listen, everyone becomes a guru." " One time, I didn't do anything, and it was so empty... Almost as if I wasn't doing anything. Then I wrote about it. It was fulfilling."
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2277 Joined: 22-Dec-2011 Last visit: 25-Apr-2016 Location: Hyperspace Studios
I think the needle is what really ends up being the problem. Personally I tend to squirm around a bit on the spice, and I like knowing I have the freedom to do so. Going into DMT space without any immediate physical concerns is also really crucial (gee, I hope that while I'm out of my mind peaking I don't rip out an artery).
An alternate idea that would need a bit of development would be a dermal patch of some sort. We already know from members spilling extraction stuff on their arms that you can get a full dose this way. A well designed dermal patch might be able to feed a gel solution to the skin over the course of an hour or two. You wouldn't be looking at the kind of duration you're talking about, but do you really need an endlessly extensible DMT trip? Getting clean, consistent delivery is at least as crucial.
Bottom line though: any novel method of delivery should be used under the watchful eye of a sober sitter. This is no joke.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3574 Joined: 18-Apr-2012 Last visit: 05-Feb-2024
Guyomech wrote:An alternate idea that would need a bit of development would be a dermal patch of some sort. Hmmm... A harmala/spice poultice... Interesting...  Aya infused bandaids Please do not PM tek related questions Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2277 Joined: 22-Dec-2011 Last visit: 25-Apr-2016 Location: Hyperspace Studios
But inevitably you'd get some doofus stickering his whole self...
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3207 Joined: 19-Jul-2011 Last visit: 02-Jan-2023
Guyomech wrote:But inevitably you'd get some doofus stickering his whole self... darwinism My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
 veni, vidi, spici
Posts: 3642 Joined: 05-Aug-2011 Last visit: 22-Sep-2017
 INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3574 Joined: 18-Apr-2012 Last visit: 05-Feb-2024
Perfect 3rdI... Please do not PM tek related questions Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
 Knowledge is power, at the price of losing the bliss of ignorance
Posts: 370 Joined: 19-Apr-2013 Last visit: 30-May-2018 Location: The Singularity
If I was strapped to a bed with a needle in me, and injected DMT with a faster blast off time than smoked dosage I think I would fear for my life and think I had been kidnapped and currently tortured by the CIA, or more likely aliens. Doubtful this combination could lead to something good, unless maybe your into sever bondage and insanity. Understand: Nature knows no EVIL, Nature knows no GOOD, people know these things, because we perceive these things, with the gift of senses given to us at birth. A good or bad experience is simply a bridge to a another existential time frame, so always live in the moment and make every one a positive moment!
Any and all posts or interactions are to be held as my fictional writings/short stories or dreams. I may even have some delirium setting in, I've never been tested for it. The only exception to this is the statement about nature above, I feel this is a fact!
 Chairman of the Celestial Divison
Posts: 1393 Joined: 21-Jul-2010 Last visit: 11-Aug-2024 Location: the ancient cluster
TOXSIN wrote: Doubtful this combination could lead to something good, unless maybe your into sever bondage and insanity. I used to bind my arms and legs with leather belts and cords before dosing high doses of psychedelic and dissociative drugs, to avoid wandering around in that state unconscious of my body. So I could see the benefit in this procedure, although those practices weren't too kind on my psyche in the long term.. You can only take so much bondage and insanity. I guess it might make it worse if your afraid of needles, but those things are your least concern on high dose psyches. I wouldn't be so quick to doubt it, psychedelic drugs have an extremely wide spectrum of what you like to call 'Good' but, the universe must remain in equilibrium, with all that 'Good' , comes 'Evil' Expect nothing, Receive everything. "Experiment and extrapolation is the only means the organic chemists (humans) currrently have - in contrast to "God" (and possibly R. B. Woodward). " He alone sees truly who sees the Absolute the same in every creature...seeing the same Absolute everywhere, he does not harm himself or others. - The Bhagavad Gita "The most beautiful thing we can experience, is the mysterious. The source of all true art and science."