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"Designer biosynthesis" via mushrooms Options
#1 Posted : 5/5/2013 12:30:13 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Cool Recently I have become interested in the subject of "Designer biosynthesis" via mushrooms, after reading the below from the erowid site...

> "Designer biosynthesis" via mushrooms is a largely uncharted territory.

> An interesting direction is the formulation of a growth medium that enables psilocybian fungi to biosynthesize tryptamines that are usually created artificially in a laboratory, like 4-hydroxy-DET, 4-hydroxy-DPT, and their phosphoryloxy counterparts.

> Other interesting psychoactive compounds that could possibly be biosynthesized this way are ergine. 4-hydroxy-aMT, non-phosphoryl esters of methylated alkyl tryptamines, and 5-substituted alkyl tryptamines.

> For these experiments the sclerotia-forming grassland psilocybians Conocybe cyanopus, Inocybe aeruginascens, Psilocybe mexicana, P. semilanceata and P. tampanensis as well as some non-sclerotia-formers like P. azurescens, Panaeolus cyanescens, P. tropicalis, and Pluteus salicinus might be very useful.

> Yet none of these species currently has a simple, established, well-performing, non-sterile in vitro method of cultivation.


> In Pharmacotheon J. Ott makes short mention of the fact that Psilocybian cultures are capable of hyderoxylating indoles that have been feed to them & that CZ-74 & CY-19 have been Bio-Synthesized by feeding Psilocybe Cubensis mycelial cultures synetheic DET.
He gives ( Chilton, 1979 ) & ( Gartz 1985, 1989 ) as references.

Confused I'd like to learn more about this, but can-not find much info!!!
Is anyone aware of research being done on this subject?
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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 5/5/2013 1:12:50 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sounds like an intriguing idea.

I look forward to more info!
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#3 Posted : 5/5/2013 3:43:33 AM


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yes, I read about this on one of Dr. Shulgin's web page("ask alexander shulgin" ) a few years back and in fact there has been a topic started on this a few years ago on the nexus


Anyways I have often thought of this idea and it is fascinating but I don't have any advanced chemistry or biology know-how but I did do some experimenting and had some interesting results..

I grew some cubensis mushrooms (the same strain) on some cakes that had vermiculite and just a tiny amount of brown rice flour but mainly san pedro cactus powder, I then compared the mushrooms I grew from that to how they regularly would be.

I also used some cakes with syrian rue and with morning glory seeds.
The results were interesting on all counts

The cakes made with san pedro cactus seemed to produce a mushroom that had a distinctly different high and that certainly lasted longer than usual....

The cakes I made with syrian rue yielded mushrooms that seemed to have absolutely no effect...they were duds..which i thought was an interesting outcome....

The morning glory mushrooms seemed to be the same as usual

The only bummer with this method is I don't think it would be possible to boi-synthesize DMT
this way just because psilocybin is so closely related to DMT.

I have often wondered though if it would be possible to produce DMT by decimating or decaying (decarboxylizing?) the psilocybin molecule in some relatively easy way.

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#4 Posted : 5/5/2013 7:32:32 AM

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moniker wrote:

yes, I read about this on one of Dr. Shulgin's web page("ask alexander shulgin" ) a few years back and in fact there has been a topic started on this a few years ago on the nexus


I also used some cakes with syrian rue and with morning glory seeds.
The results were interesting on all counts

The cakes I made with syrian rue yielded mushrooms that seemed to have absolutely no effect...they were duds..which i thought was an interesting outcome....

Cool > Thank you very much for showing me the post on - Biosynthesis of Novel Tryptamines Aspirations.
It's exactly the kind of info I was hoping to find here!!!

> the results of the syrian rue are really unexpected! You would think it would increase the effects!
I going to have to try this experiment myself!

> Several of Dr. Shulgin's creations are still legally avaiable as re-search chemicals such as... DPT, DiPT, MET & MIPT.

> It might be interesting to mix these into the straw/riceflower/vermiculite-cake
before innoculation and see what happens.

> But somehow I like idea of using natural plant material better.

> One wonders why there are no major University projects in the field of mushroom biosynthesis,
I would think this a fertile field ( pun intended! )

> I only wish there were some way to have access to GM/MS testing equipment so that the results of any experiments done by us "amateur alchemist's" could be analyzed in a scientific manner! the only way I have of checking purity of, say, a DMT extraction is by a simple melting point test! When trying to come up with an unknown substance via biosynthesis, it would be nice to know exactly what was created.

> After going thru my library I found an article in Psychedelic Monographs & Essays #6
( PM & E pub. 1993 ) by C.B. Gold titled "the Mushroom Entheogen part 3a - Nutritional Influences on Growth & Biosynthesis."
It is chock-full of info on increasing the Psilocybin content of mushrooms, but that's about all!
Very happy
"It is only when we step away from the actual & begin to explore the Possible that life's infinities begin to reveal themselves to us."
- James Kent.
#5 Posted : 6/5/2013 8:22:22 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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What if you were to inject the mycelium with more tryptophan? Or add some powdered tryptophan into the substrate recipe to substitute BRF?

I can not find info on the boiling and melting point of tryptophan, so I do not know if it would survive steralization?
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#6 Posted : 6/5/2013 8:37:10 PM

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Gone-and-Back wrote:
What if you were to inject the mycelium with more tryptophan? Or add some powdered tryptophan into the substrate recipe to substitute BRF?

I can not find info on the boiling and melting point of tryptophan, so I do not know if it would survive steralization?

Benzyme did something similar to this.

I'm going to be running an experiment next month, based on his idea and observations.

one control group, BRF cakes. One group injected with 15mM tryptamine hcl.

I will test them to the best of my ability, but I don't have access to a HPLC or GC MS.
Probably TLC.

I'm still in the prepartion stage,
I'm very excited to do this experiment Smile
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#7 Posted : 6/5/2013 9:31:16 PM

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there was mentioned somewhere on the forums (a while ago) that if you add 5-MeO-DMT to cubensis substrate, the fungus will produce 5-MeO-4-HO-DMT (might have been PO instead of HO)
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#8 Posted : 6/5/2013 9:47:03 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Mindlusion wrote:
Gone-and-Back wrote:
What if you were to inject the mycelium with more tryptophan? Or add some powdered tryptophan into the substrate recipe to substitute BRF?

I can not find info on the boiling and melting point of tryptophan, so I do not know if it would survive steralization?

Benzyme did something similar to this.

I'm going to be running an experiment next month, based on his idea and observations.

one control group, BRF cakes. One group injected with 15mM tryptamine hcl.

I will test them to the best of my ability, but I don't have access to a HPLC or GC MS.
Probably TLC.

I'm still in the prepartion stage,
I'm very excited to do this experiment Smile

How would one make tryptamine hcl? I want to give this experiment a shot whenever I get around to trying my hand at growing. Or would that be considered synthesis talk and thus frowned upon? If so, forget I asked Razz
Everything published by Gone-and-Back are the mad rantings and ravings of a mind who yearns to be free and thinks he knows what he is talking about. However, these are just delusions made to feel that freedom, because that freedom will never come. Any experiments done are purely figments of the imagination, and are falsified to the highest degree. Nothing should be taken seriously from a crazy mans mind.
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