To use the words of Terence McKenna:
"Nobody is smarter than you are. And what if they are? What good is their understanding doing you? People walk around saying, 'I don't understand Quantum Physics, but somewhere somebody understands it.' That's not a very helpful attitude towards preserving the insights of Quantum Physics. Inform yourself."
I've arrived at a point in my life where I am desiring to integrate my passions into my daily routine. Acquiring what I need through use of currency is no longer fulfilling. The goal of these past several years has been to become a self sustainable person, and this includes in what and how I acquire what I eat, how I waste, where I shop/trade, how I live and how I acquire the means to alter my states.
I recently heard of the term "spiritual piracy" and after much contemplation, I realized that using plants for healing without taking the time to understand how to cultivate their psychoactive ingredients is almost a form of this. In the month of March, I spent some time at an entheogenic plant sanctuary where I learned much about the importance of preserving and preparing the organism as opposed to only ingesting without contemplation, developing a relationship to the plant, or understanding the inner dimensional travel that is truly taking place.
The ancient and modern Shaman fascinates me. The modern Shaman resumes the archaic practice, standing on the shoulders of giants so to speak, relying on hyper reality of the Internet for rapid information exchange, while the ancient Shaman only had the plants to turn to for their instruction. Both modalities fascinate me. We're in a time of merging and I want in.
I've been looking around this site for a little while now, and the research and dedication in impressive. I am no stranger to spice, and it is safe to say that after my first experience, it was my catalyst for the most transcendent change of my life up to this point. It only makes sense that my passion now lies in forming an intimate relationship with the substance that tore me through the veil and saved my life. My intentions are nothing more than to research, practice and to pay it forward.