SWIM found the posts on this topic here very interesting:
http://www.dmt-nexus.me/...posts&t=149&p=36SWIM's other friend was talking about possibly doing one of these using calcium hydroxide instead of lye since it sounds safer and the resulting product might be cleaner to smoke as well, even unwashed. Calcium hydroxide seems easy to procure as it is used as an aquarium supplement produced by a company called ESV.
any further info on this tek would be extremely useful.
tek reprinted below:
Don't think that one has been completely written up for dmt yet. The thing with calcium hydroxide is that you use minimal water, just enough to make the powdered plant material moist and then let is sit for 5-10 minutes to react. The water is all taken up in the reaction and none is left to absorb any freebase leaving all the freebase to be absorbed by the solvent giving optimal yields. The TEK would go something like this.
1. Add 25 gr calcium hydroxide to 100 gr powdered MHRB.
2. Add just enough water to the powdered mix to make it wet but not watery (approximately 300 ml) and mix well. Let the mix sit for 5-10 minutes to let react.
3. Add 300 ml of solvent (Naptha), mix well and let sit for several hours. Warm naptha will absorb more freebase than cold naptha.
4. Filter off the Naptha and put it into the freezer over night. Crystal freebase dmt should precipitate out. The naptha can then be poured off and the crystals dried. The naptha could then be used to wash the plant material again or evaporated to get the remaining dmt from it. It's possible that the naptha may need to be partially evaporated before freeze precipitating. The plant material should be washed at least two times, maybe more.
SWIM has not actually used this TEK yet since he still has lye but it could possibly be the best TEK yet.