Dear fellow Nexians,
I have been rather new to Cactus, progressing rather slowly with this amazing (!) entheogen. I have been extracting mescaline from Peruvian Torch myself, always ending up with very light-tan mescaline HCL (tripple washed with Acetone, then tripple-washed with ISO...)
I thought I have been rather sensitive to mescaline, as I can definitely feel the effects at much less than 100mg dose (which I learned is generally considered the "threshold dose"
. My previous experiences have been with 150mg, 250mg, 300mg, 350mg, and 400mg. About a week ago, I decided to go for 500mg. And let me tell you: I was quite glad I had prepared the set+setting really well beforehand (sticking "DON´T GO OUT!" note at my door, etc.)
I will not go much into detail here, but it has been one of my most intense entheogenic/intellectual experiences so far... Why am I using the word "intellectual" here? My previous experiences with Mushrooms, DMT, Aya/Pharma, and Salvia Divinorum have always offered me very intense visionary experiences. But with 500mg of mescaline... I had
absolutely no visions (!), but... how to describe it... absolutely clear headspace able to think deeper then ever... able to clearly analyze and de-construct everything, even its own "conditions of possibility" (to annoy you with I.Kant´s phrase), to finally leave me... with absolutely
nothing solid to stand on. Everything collapsed down and lost its previously solid foundations, leaving me... with
nothing to (re)construct my identity around. Seriously: these 6+ hours of "I have gone completely mad and will never come back again, period." belongs to the most intense and most valuable experiences in my life.
After a week or so, I still have been "recovering" from that ego-shattering experience (I am not going to repeat this very soon, trust me). While returning to the commonsensual reality, I have been puzzled by a few questions, hoping to get some insight or a hint from you
- What puzzles me probably most is the "absence" of visuals/visions even at the 500mg level (cognitive effects being rather overwhelming, however!)... At "t + 6 hours" I started to see some not too distinct patterns on the floor/walls/lawn outside, but nothing "serious"; I would compare these OEVs to my normal 2g Mushroom dose... So my question is: what is 500mg of mescaline to you? Do you also "miss" the visuals? How visual is mescaline for you at which dose-level?
- I have no idea how to understand my "lack of visuals" with mescaline. I have been "visually" rather quite sensitive to other entheogens, such as Mushrooms (3,5 grams in silent darkness send me easilly to the DMT space), or Pharma (70mg orally send me ´there´ also quite reliably). Yet I seem to be visually rather resistant to mescaline... Would you have any explanation for this?