According to this site im not an Enlightened Soul but Ill give it a
Honestly, I feel very weary about caging or shipping a live animal (any live animal) especially one that contains such profound properties. It seems a little disrespectful in my eyes, but perhaps that is just me. To each his own I suppose.
I dont know how far you are from the Sonoran desert, but if you ever find yourself out here during the months of june and july (monsoon season), send me a PM and I'll happily inform you of many spots abundant with the Alvarius.
My concerns with BBB is how they grow their Alvarius. What I mean is, that this toad stays in suspension beneath the earth %80 of the time and only comes out during the monsoons. Although it may not kill them to drastically alter their habitat and hibernation, I find it to be detrimental to the toads well being. My hopes are that they are breeding them from tadpole in order to insure that they are acclimated to being out all year, as well as being catged or confined to smaller non indigenous areas. If I ever keep an Alvarius, it is only ones that have been bred from tadpole and raised in a large yard with a pond and their native plants and insects so they may further breed.
The potency of the venom varies widely with these toads, I have smoked plenty of venom from wild toads, and almost as much from captive ones, and I can attest to this, that the wild toads provide more potent venom overall. This makes sense, because in captivity, I assume the toad doesnt feel as threatened and perhaps this is why the lack of more potent venom. Then again, it could all have been hit and miss. ☼ The captive toad batches I have tried, were small mix batches, just meaning the venom only came from three toads versus 6-25+. Mind you, the best toad venom Ive ever smoked came from only 4 wild toads, so it varies, but in my experience, the scope of difference is emense.
As for buying a single or even just a pair, you might get lucky and get a pair that produces some potent stuff, but the best way to get the most out of toad venom, is to milk from (at least 4) several healthy specimens and mix the batch to get a consitant potency all throughout. Down here we have groups of folks that collect with us, at the end of the season we combine them all and then redistribute, it makes for a VERY productive and VERY potent batch in the end, not to mention the eternal bonds created oin the toad journeys within the webs of toad practicioners.
Finding and consorting with the toad, asking for the opportunity to milk, forming a true communicative relationship, is a very sacred task, and if youve been to the toad space, you may feel the same. The process itself is deeply enlightening, especially when you have seen. So do what you gotta do, or what you feel is appropriate, but if you do find yourself in this neck of the woods, I assure you, you will not be displeased in the slightest.
"god is all there is" Everything stated herein, happened in dreams. "as above, so below"