Trips can bring anxiety to the surface, forcing you to deal with it. If you have little to none lingering anxiety, there should generally be a lot less anxiety in your trip. But of course it's hard to really know 100% if you have lingering anxiety and how much, what kind.. etc. If you suffer from anxiety I recommend you try to find out why, make a conscious effort to get rid of it (can't give too much advice here as it depends on many things such as the kind of anxiety, what kind of person you are.. etc. would need a lot more information to think about that).
When you think you are ready you can start again with low doses and see how things work out for you. Remember anxiety always has some kind of reason or source, trying to avoid the anxiety will not remove it, it will just allow it to be unprocessed. Try to figure out what it is, where it's coming from and how to deal with it.