GaveUpOnTV wrote:I think it's the ph that you are after, whatever it takes. Citric acid will take more than HCL, because it 'dissociates' less than HCl. ph is just a logarithmic way of measuring the amount of H+ ions-a ph of 3 has 10 times the amount of H+ ions as a solution with a ph of 4. SWIM used white vinegar for his first batch, and if he remembers right it took roundabouts a cup or so to get to a ph of 3. When I got some 37% HCl, I had to keep on diluting-turns out it took just a few drops to get to a ph of 3. ph meters are cheap (and IMHO, necessary) maybe try
Yeah, it is a awesome site, isn't it?
It sounds like that that d-limonene is a pretty good extracting liquid, and safer than lye/water.
Hi there, I think I will go with the citric acid powder, mostly PH2 or PH3 from what I have tested, currently I am conducting my research through this forum regards A/B extractions of M. Hostillis powder, thanks
As to amazon yes I do agree, depends on the seller you could say the same for ebay too <heheheh>