How strong is it?trippin balls mode ON
What is the duration?4-5 min of hard trippin and 15 min until base levels aprox.
Hows the taste?spice taste, spicy and hot at mouth. like metalic chile
Does it burn?not at all...
Whats the color?redish-brownish amazing jungle magic(k) and white-yellowish spice
Does it burn?dejà vu?
What method did you do?STB and small bong with copper mesh
Did you go by the book in procedure?yes, but swim uses ws for getting jungle magic
What material did you use?STB materials (nafta and lye)
What was your yield?not weighted but quite large though
What was your source?pedro, nice and serious guy. First quality
Did you break through?pre-breaktrough I think. noob here
What was your smoking device/methodology?bong with copper mesh
donde haya fuego, llevaremos gasolina