DMT experiences [like dreams] are made up of a lifetime of learned information..
To the mind..dreams like DMT experiences..are just as real as waking life experiences..
The Tibetans believe everything is an illusion and that the daytime experience like our nightly dreams just another dream..
If this were true that means that everything in life is an illusion. but that is their belief.
Entity's may very well exist.. and are very real to our minds!
There is also information in human mind ..[that has always been there!]] long before we learned to walk or speak our first words...
This may be where the DMT experience originates from a more pure and older source of information at the core of the mind handed down by generations at the cellular level..
I have experienced entity's in lucid and non lucid dreams ..
I refer to them as [energy beings]..or [beings of light]...
I was in a dream where there was a 5 story house i lived in on an upper floor..
Then one morning ..sounds like an earthquake started.. shaking the house and i was scared as i looked out the window to the ground and saw people running in fear!
The earth below was flowing like a river and shaking the house badly..
I ran in fear only to be stuck in this flowing earth and was trapped up to my chin about to be swallowed by the earth itself!
And just as i was going under and terrified... a raft made of light energy appeared near me with beings on it made of that same light energy and they extended there hands to me and pulled me aboard the craft saving me from a certain death and my fear vanished..
We returned to the 5 story house at the beginning of the dream.. and went to the attic room on top..
There they explained to me that I was now an energy being like them.. and had nothing to fear!
One being took my hand and led me to a small door that was high on the roof of the house..
I remember the stars were shining bright as it was early morning or night time?
He then said have no fear..we should step off the ledge of the roof together..
Still Being a little afraid.. i stepped off the roof with this being into the night air..
At first i felt myself falling but like a leaf a night breeze caught me and i was levitating in mid air!
And like a young bird i started gliding all over the night sky and felt happier than i have ever felt in my life for now i was an energy being!
From the excitement I woke out of the dream that i experienced years ago..
And remember it like it happened an hour ago!
To the mind an experience is a real experience just as real as [so called Reality!]
I take my entitys seriously!