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#1 Posted : 2/10/2013 4:23:13 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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So I have had two full blown breakthroughs and both times the experience was very similar, if not the same with different degrees of intensity, but the "place" it took me was the same. This place I've heard people describe in similar ways before, the fractals, self transforming geometry, "machine elves" entities etc... but it is probably the most alien and "non-terrestrial" space...beyond imagination. There are many reports that seem to describe exactly what I experienced ..

Now on to my question, I have also read countless reports of people journeying to places that seem more in line with our reality, cities, people, doors, plot lines etc, things I would consider recognizable and more dreamlike. How are these experiences qualitatively different? Are these beyond or deeper into hyperspace (or conversely) than the place I and many others have gone, or can the dmt experience vary so much from person to person?

I'm sure there are many of you with enough flight time to help me understand the difference, if there is one.



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#2 Posted : 2/10/2013 5:41:59 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I think it's a combination of the variety of the DMT experience along with the notion that the further you get with DMT, the more the filters on consensus reality drop out. If you don't take "enough", you can behold the DMT realm, but there are still remnants of consensus reality such as light-afterimages and the like. When you get deep enough, it's as if one reality is swapped out for another. These are my thoughts anyway.
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#3 Posted : 2/10/2013 6:56:49 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Global wrote:
I think it's a combination of the variety of the DMT experience along with the notion that the further you get with DMT, the more the filters on consensus reality drop out. If you don't take "enough", you can behold the DMT realm, but there are still remnants of consensus reality such as light-afterimages and the like. When you get deep enough, it's as if one reality is swapped out for another. These are my thoughts anyway.

Thanks Global,

I know there are no concrete answers, but what you say makes sense. Some reports seem to have taken the subject quite deep, especially given some of the dosages, so I couldn't help to wonder if those experiences were beyond the one's I had, but I think it may be the other ways around. I just can't imagine going deeper and thins skewing back to consensual reality.
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#4 Posted : 2/11/2013 1:45:05 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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The self transforming reality thats facilitated by this molecule can be beyond breathtaking, in terms of how 'deep' it can take you. Lets just put it this way, I have managed to get to the point where the experience literally came on in about 2 seconds and becoming full blown in about 4 seconds. Im talking GONE, forever falling, twisting, and shooting through infinite levels of REAL AS REAL places with people where every second that went by I was in a different place with different people and I would also at times be looking through their eyes. This has only happened twice for me now in hundreds of journeys. It feels absolutely nothing like DMT......at all. This was achieved by all the dose of roughly 40-50mg all in one hit. I couldn't believe what I was experiencing, for I was with actual people, yet I WAS all these people. This went wayyy past elves, octopi, aliens and fractals.

The question is..how deep do you want to go and how much can your psyche handle?

Much love guys. Love

Tat Tvam Asi
#5 Posted : 2/11/2013 8:55:06 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I have only had one breakthrough that consisted of the place I was in, being physical like this place. All other breakthroughs still consisted of geometric patterns and entities being mostly made out of these patterns. I don't move about in these realms, they move. I want to have these landscape experiences so bad and hopefully someday I do.

The heavy doses of 40+ are not something I imagine I will be indulging in, having done so properly my last dose, at all. They come on so fast and strong and take awhile to really come back to normal. It's been a little over a month and my mind isn't completely stitched back together. I'm managing just fine but it was definitely difficult, mentally, to integrate.

I haven't really asked questions. Although internally I had questions that the entities answered for me. Mostly I have received answers that I needed in order to continue on the path I was already on. DMT has been extremely helpful in keeping me on track and showing me things that I needed to see in order to know how to be the me that I really am and how to accomplish the goals that I have created for myself.
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#6 Posted : 2/12/2013 3:08:29 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for the responses guys,

Tattvamasi, those sound like some pretty intense experiences.. and yet again, I feel foolish for trying to quantify and put a measure to the dmt experience. Limitless will have to do for now Smile

Anrchy, I 'm glad you are getting better, I read your posts and appreciate you sharing. I almost started my journeys with a 40mg trip, because a lot of people seemed to claim that it was the dose for an intense experience. Which I wanted of course, but thankfully (and listen up you first timers) I did my homework and waited nearly 8months to do it after my first extraction. I settled on 20mg in one shot and that was truly an amazing experience, quite intense and a good starting point. I will stick to the 20-25 range for quite some time....

Much love!
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#7 Posted : 3/7/2013 6:23:22 AM

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There is an infinitely expansive quality to the self-transforming nature of reality. There are subjective differences from one person to the next. For now, these cannot be objectively defined. They vary in degree from person to person... but I feel that this is to be expected when each of us are experiencing a subjective perspective of something inherently objective.
DMT smells like math.
#8 Posted : 3/11/2013 8:28:47 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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IMO Dmt connects you with the infinifte..

so its makes sense every experience that someone has is unique to them..

But there is definetly a point you cross where you realize what this really is..

It is a tool to reach a higher level consciousness ...

One hidden from our normal everyday reality;

It is the great mystery of life; The paradox the not knowing..

IT is so many things!

Infinity and beyond..

On a personal note i believe our personal minds and subconscious directly effect the trip before you reach/become God or ONE that is all
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