Hi Friends,
I am posting here since I am a new member (well in terms of posts) and don't have posting privilege to post in the appropriate subforum.
Recently, I started thinking about acquiring some land in my home country India and start an ethnobotanical garden that can commercially sustain me.
I am thinking of about 2-3 acres of land.
Peak summer heat around the second-third week of June goes to about 47C (about a week with 44-45C).
The lowest temperature of year occurs during the last week of December to about 2-3C.
Monsoon makes the entry in July and stays till late August. During this period either there is a lot of rain or very humid climate.
The area is about 200km off the coast and is generally hilly and hence the climate is generally arid.
Soil type is mostly mixed red and black.
What kind of plants can I grow? When and how often I can harvest? Can I make it economically viable, since I'll have to quit my current career path and jump into something completely uncharted? (right now I am a post doctoral researcher in computational genetics).
Is there a guide of sorts that lists plants like mh, a confusa, caapi, etc and describes their cultivation criteria like number of plants per area etc.
Thank you very much for reading.
Om purna mada purna midam That is the Whole, this is the Whole,
purnat purnam udachyate From the Whole, the Whole arises,
purnasya purnam adaya Taking away the Whole from the Whole,
purnam eva vasishyate The Whole remains,
om santi santi santihi Om Peace, peace, peace.
Om asato ma sad gamaya Lead us from untruth to Truth,
tamaso ma jyotir gamaya From darkness to Light,
mrityor ma amritam gamaya From death to Immortality,
om santi santi santihi Om Peace, peace, peace.