I've been cruising this site for ages now, so I thought it was about time I became a member.
I suppose I should tell you all a bit about myself.
I don't really have much of a formal education like some members here, just high school and a few other near worthless pieces of paper that don't amount to much. I was a straight A student at school before my life fell apart (the first time) so I can make sense of most of what I read on a technical level.
When I was younger I had an uncanny knack of getting myself into accidents, I've been hit by cars when I've been a pedestrian (whilst minding my business on the footpath) hit by cars whilst riding push bikes and been in several dramatic car & motorcycle accidents. Almost all of my accidents have been the result of someones else's incompetence or negligence, I know being accident prone is often an indicator of low intelligence - maybe I'm just an idiot?
I've been clinically dead twice and needed defibrillation and medication to bring me back from the abyss. The first DMT experience I had gave me a tremendous feeling of deja vu, like I was returning to somewhere very familiar - the same place I went when I died. That experience was not very visual (apparently I had my eyes open the whole time) it just felt like an OOBE - which happens to me on rare occasions since I died the first time.
My subsequent DMT experiences have been a lot different, they were very visual but they all have given me a feeling very similar to a near death experience accompanied by an overwhelming sense of deja vu (I also got the sense of deja vu both times that I was clinically dead). One DMT experience was a voyage to somewhere that seemed to last for weeks although it only lasted 10-15 minutes. I smoked a lot of caapi leaf before the DMT on that occasion, I think it enhanced and extended the experience but that could just be wishful thinking on my part.
I love growing things and I have nice collection of ethnobotanicals which is starting to take over my yard. I have a lot of Acacias ranging from seedlings to larger flowering specimens. I'm growing 2 types of acuminata, obtusifolia, simplicifolia, floribunda, cyclops and maidenii. I've never had much luck with phlebophylla. My acuminatas (broad phyllode) are just about to flower this year for the first time. I also have a caapi vine, psychotrias and a nice collection of cactus (cacti?) and various other ethnobotanicals.
Anyway, I'm happy to be on board. I hope I can contribute to this Awesome community.