so far so good, i've made it here in one piece. i hope that it is okay, that i don't feel inclined to share a detailed history of my past or how it relates to mind altering substances. however, for the purpose of this introduction, i will give a brief overview. since adolescence, i've had a natural draw to chemically induce alternate states of consciousness. many natural and synthetic chemicals have enacted their play upon my neurological receptors.
today, i find myself mostly learning from waking life and dream states without the addition of psychotropic substances. occasionally, i may venture into some plant realm, but these experiences have significantly decreased in the past few years.
my primary purpose in joining this forum, is because i've recently been receiving encouragement from dreams, to pursue regular harmala consumption for some unknown period. the feeling i get, is that this will help nudge me into a psychological and perhaps spiritual place that i need to be.
my experience in extracting and consuming harmalas has so far been not altogether unsuccessful, but i think i need to improve my understanding and technique. i intend to write about my experience with this self experimentation and will post to this community as well as my immediate physical community, if i find effects to be beneficial.
Thank you, to all who contribute to this great online community. i've been skimming it for a year or so now, and have only now joined. by doing so, i hope to further my learning and contribute to it in a positive way.