I am about to take my first journey. I've done a lot of research and am at a point where my questions of tek, supply and method etc have all been satisfied without actually needing to ask here in the forum.
If you read enough, the answers are here and elsewhere, as it seems many have asked previously the same type questions. I've done the work for that part anyway and feel good about the info I found, and choices I've made. And I thank the many who have made this journey before me and have shared.
... now for the part I have been preparing for, its finally time.
I was so pleased to read your thoughts this morning as I find they are so close to mine. You put it so well, I too embrace what I can learn without fear or anxiety others have expressed to me. I look forward to what I may experience with out preformed ideas of what that might be, and feel comfortable that I will positively be open to and cope with all the unknown and unknowable things to come. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, it kind of solidified what was on my mind. I was tickled to read it, so much of what I have learned were from very old posts... yours was just a few hours ago.
Thanks SSRat, sending you well wishes and good tidings on your quest into the void.
~ waterlilys