TheFly wrote:3] Add hydrated lime with a sufficient amount of water.
(I'm half-confused on this step already: Will the previous step of vinegar neutralize the hydrated lime even though we are adding water? SWIMs' assumption of this step is to "dissolve" the dmt salt stuck to the "powered material" into a liquid form but I'm almost sure this is not correct?)
the vinegar and heat aid in lysing the cells, breaking the DMT acetate out of the idioblasts and into the water-vinegar solution.
adding the hydrated lime changes the DMT from acetate to the limonene-soluble freebase.
TheFly wrote:4]Add d-limeonene.
(Why? My guess is to make the "dissolved dmt salt in liquid form" to split and separate into two visibly distinct liquid layers and thus can be separated into two forms, I'm guessing im still wrong though.)
the last step made the DMT soluble in limonene, but NOT water-soluble, so adding the limo will cause all the DMT to migrate to your solvent.
TheFly wrote:6]Pour all the liquid into a the THP thing and the limenone will pass through and be collected at the bottom and everything else(stuff we don't want?) is on top (This part isn't exactly clear according to the tek but does that sound in-line with it?)
now that the DMT has migrated to your solvent, you want to seperate the extract material from the solvent. you can save the material to be pulled with limonene again.
also, i will say that with methods almost identical to this one (q21q21) decanting was more than sufficient for filtration. if the sludge is hydrated, the limo will float on top of it, and the oil is less viscous than the bark sludge, so it pours out faster.
the first few times i decanted through a filter (funnel & cotton ball); but i never needed it and the cotton ball kept absorbing solvent, so i stopped using a filter altogether... no slip-ups yet (and i am pretty clumsy)
TheFly wrote:7]Mix collected limeonene liquid and mix with the fumaric acid saturated water(shake vigorously). (Why are we doing this exactly? I thought we were doing separation earlier. so confused.)
now the DMT is in your solvent, and solvent is seperated. how do you get the DMT out of the solvent? well in this case freeze precipitation and evaporation are out of the question, so we must get it into a medium that can be evap'd
TheFly wrote:8] Allow to separate and for emulsions to settle and pour into a separatory device.
Collect bottom water layer for evaporation and top limonene layer for reuse or recycling. (Im guessing this is when the real "separation" happens and earlier was just to "suck the dmt into an easy to work with solution called water?" )
the shaking vigorously allows the acid to convert the DMT to fumarate (or acetate with vinegar salting), which is water soluble (and again, not limo soluble).
so now you need to seperate the acid-water from the limo so you can evap it
TheFly wrote:I'll stop here until the previous questions are answered.
feel free to continue
. in the meantime i hope i helped elucidate this for you
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