Todays message for expanding consciousness
Stop ingesting
- Large amounts of Alcohol, Televised Sports , Cigarettes, Pharmaceuticals, T.V, ANY MAINSTREAM MUSIC/ART/MOVIE, Fast food, Reverse psychological propaganda
Stop Supporting
- Large Corporations, Corrupt Governments, Mainstream artists and musicians
Start ingesting
- Water, Sunlight, Fresh Air, Earth Energy (Grounding, Earthing, Swimming), Cannabis, Organic foods, Independent intentional high vibrational music, Books, Philosophy, Science, History, Multicultural research, Indigenous history and lifestyle.
Start supporting
- Family, Local Community, Youth Sports, Craft Breweries, Cannabis Growers, Recycling, Waste reduction, Local Farmers, Local Artists and Musicians, Self Sustainability, Community Awareness and Support.
Please help to stop supporting your own enslavement and poisoning. If everyone would follow this list we could regain our health, awareness, and sovereignty. TRUE power is our intellect and having the wisdom to use it.
P.S. Playing sports yourself or youth sports is a good thing, when it turns into a gigantic corporate machine that swallows up millions of souls, it can become a problem. Sports give the fan an illusion that they are part of a "team" and they are fighting a "battle". This plays into our tribalistic tendencies that are ingrained in our psyche. When your team wins, you feel a sense that your tribe has conquered another, and helps to pacify your natural urge to truly fight tyranny and REAL ENEMIES. While millions drink low quality beer and cheer for a false tribe, they are simultaneously being pacified and manipulated. Peace and love to those who are unaware of the trickery these fools use. If we all would stop entertaining and intoxicating ourselves, we would be able to rebuild true community, raise our education standards 10 fold, and possibly rediscover our place on this Earth, which is to respect and honor all of Nature and its truth.
Just my .02 hope yall enjoyed!
Thanks and Praises, Love and Gratitude, Peace and Unity, Hemp Seed & Honey