the other night i was rude to people in chat.
i was stoned and drunk,no excuse i know,but there you have it.
my ego was getting the better of me and it did.
so the mods decided to ban me.
good decsion.
that is what i needed to reflect.
i apologise to everyone involved,to the members and the mods.
my paranoia got the better of me and...well what can i say ...i lost it.
something strange happened right after the ban.
i toke a toke of dmt.
it felt like a band wrapped around my head.
then access to dmt world was denied.
i felt it shut down.
i felt as if i had been denied access and missed out on something special.
but i also felt that a certain person had control over this realm.
and was teaching me a lesson.
it was a very strange experience,when the lights shut down,but your still enhanced.
thanks nexus for having me.
i still have a lot to learn.