Pandora wrote:
You have done an impressive amount of reading and research it sounds like. It's amazing how it never really ends, isn't it?
I cannot imagine living in a town of 200 - there's that many folks just in my building. You will need to be very careful about being discrete, with fume control, etc.
Nice thing about living out here is until the apartment next door gets rented out that it's a good 200M to my closest neighbor, but I can walk around the city limits in less than an hour.
Thanks for the word of caution though, As I was brewing up some rue and chaliponga tonight the smell rather horrified my wife (burning a bit of sandalwood helped a great deal, the combined smell is actually quite nice). For harmony's sake, evaporating solvents (even IPA) is something I'm gonna put off for a bit.
Which is fine, I've very rarely had a purely bad experience on longer lasting things, even if they make me a bit ill, things are normally better on the comedown. Had a nasty panic/creepy reaction to salvia years ago just by going from 0 to a circle of small children taunting me school yard style in the time it took me to put down the pipe lay back, with no resolution, just left scared and creeped. Vaped DMT sounds like the bad times would be like that, but worse. The better times though, I do have a hunger to experience that before many more years pass.
Man, I'd be freaked and afraid of every dog's bark if I tried a proper extraction in a larger building. One of the main reasons I never did. Most of my life I've lived downtown in college towns, or in company housing. Just didn't seem prudent unless I was surrounded by stoners and drunks...and then it didn't sound prudent because I was surrounded by stoners and drunks I might be tempted to unwisely share with (better just to smoke and drink with them). Learned the hard way what is likely to happen when you share good shrooms with folks who idolize the most twisted and violent of rappers. Started with the shirtless bastards in the hall yelling with knives, ended with talking one down for the last three hours of his trip while he questioned his sanity and sexuality. That kinda thing and I both got old.
It's nice out here, 9yos can go trick or treating, without all but the most troubled of parents freaking out, like I remember from my youth in Seattle in the 80s. About as much danger as anywhere else I think, but a lot less fear, but more trust and better communication.
woo, insomnia, thanks everyone for the welcome. :3