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It takes 2 to bring things to reality. Options
River of Thoughts
#1 Posted : 12/22/2012 8:47:29 AM

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Think about that on many levels and share your thoughts. I rather not share mine just yet.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 12/22/2012 3:04:19 PM

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We live in a dualistic universe. There's hot or cold, big or small, high or low, close or far, in or out, on or off, something or nothing, life or death, light or dark, heaven or hell. If there was no dualism, nothing could exist in the way that we know it, because nothing would have anything to contrast itself to. If you imagine just the concept of a pure white light, it means absolutely nothing without comparing it to darkness.

And everything is basically just a vibration that occurs between these extremes. You can imagine the extreme points themselves to be like particles or prickles, and the vibrations between them are the waves or goo. So even the dualities themselves are just wave-particle dualities or prickle-goo dualities.

Think about life and death for example. When we have a life and exist in an organic body, during that time the switch is constantly on the "life" side of the duality. When we die, it goes back to the "death" side. That is just 1 wavelength of the entire vibration, but it goes so slow that from our perspective the "life" peak lasts a really long time. And it doesn't have to imply anything about the afterlife, it's just using our concepts of life and death, which are in other words: a state that we are currently in, and a state that was before our birth and will be after our death. The same can be abstracted to the life of the whole universe, it comes and goes, but it can never get stuck on just one side, because then that side would be all that existed so it couldn't exist because it would have nothing to compare itself to. So in a way our death or the end of the universe is nothing be afraid of because they are just natural states that are the opposite to this one.

Those are examples of binary dualities that have no middle states. In addition to binary dualities, the universe has axis that have values that are either low or high or somewhere between. Like the temperature axis or the dimensional axis or the time axis. The axis themselves can stretch on to seeming infinity, but the thing is that they have only 2 possible directions. And when you combine these axis together you get more complex structures like the 3D space or the higher-dimensional spaces. If you remove all the dimensional axis, what you're left with is a singularity.

Now where does the singularity fit in then? The singularity seems like an oddball, but it's in fact similar to a particle with the exception that its anti-particle is everything that we currently see. We live inside an anti-singularity, which is everything that a singularity is not. A singularity is basically nothing, it's a point but it doesn't have any volume. The opposite of that is everything else, all this. And just like everything else , it also vibrates. In fact it's an even more abstracted version of the life and death of a universe that I mentioned above. At that point it becomes a matter of "nothing and something", and it's really hard to abstract beyond those concepts, atleast from our human perspective.

But it doesn't matter because we are blessed with an awareness exactly because of the reason that we cannot grasp everything. This is the whole point of being in this state, whatever the opposite of this state is or whatever the simplest or most complex abstraction is. We exist thanks to non-existence, and I love non-existence to death. (?)

Anyways, that's just some of my hippie theories that I learned yesterday with ayahuasca when my subjective world temporarily ended and I had my own private apocalypse. It's a total mindf*** and I'm currently trying to put the pieces together and understand what the hell happened so that I can write a full trip report about it, and grasp myself as an organism that is also a universe, which is all just a multi-level abstraction of dualistic vibrations..
#3 Posted : 12/22/2012 11:19:19 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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If what you're saying is that personal reality is meaningless unless others can verify it; that external reality is that which is experienced by more than one person, then I would argue that all reality is meaningless and that there is no external reality.
Every day I am thankful that I was introduced to psychedelic drugs.
#4 Posted : 12/24/2012 6:18:55 AM
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River of Thoughts wrote:
Think about that on many levels and share your thoughts. I rather not share mine just yet.

Instead of making us all think of "many levels" why not filter it down so it's more easily pin pointed. After all I could also say something like - "Tell me the importance of socks and think about it on many levels", then end up saying socks are most important for filtering out beans from water. Most people would not feel awed after that. You dig? Cool
#5 Posted : 12/24/2012 7:12:34 AM


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daedaloops wrote:
We live in a dualistic universe. There's hot or cold, big or small, high or low, close or far, in or out, on or off, something or nothing, life or death, light or dark, heaven or hell. If there was no dualism, nothing could exist in the way that we know it, because nothing would have anything to contrast itself to. If you imagine just the concept of a pure white light, it means absolutely nothing without comparing it to darkness.

And everything is basically just a vibration that occurs between these extremes. You can imagine the extreme points themselves to be like particles or prickles, and the vibrations between them are the waves or goo. So even the dualities themselves are just wave-particle dualities or prickle-goo dualities.

Think about life and death for example. When we have a life and exist in an organic body, during that time the switch is constantly on the "life" side of the duality. When we die, it goes back to the "death" side. That is just 1 wavelength of the entire vibration, but it goes so slow that from our perspective the "life" peak lasts a really long time. And it doesn't have to imply anything about the afterlife, it's just using our concepts of life and death, which are in other words: a state that we are currently in, and a state that was before our birth and will be after our death. The same can be abstracted to the life of the whole universe, it comes and goes, but it can never get stuck on just one side, because then that side would be all that existed so it couldn't exist because it would have nothing to compare itself to. So in a way our death or the end of the universe is nothing be afraid of because they are just natural states that are the opposite to this one.

Those are examples of binary dualities that have no middle states. In addition to binary dualities, the universe has axis that have values that are either low or high or somewhere between. Like the temperature axis or the dimensional axis or the time axis. The axis themselves can stretch on to seeming infinity, but the thing is that they have only 2 possible directions. And when you combine these axis together you get more complex structures like the 3D space or the higher-dimensional spaces. If you remove all the dimensional axis, what you're left with is a singularity.

Now where does the singularity fit in then? The singularity seems like an oddball, but it's in fact similar to a particle with the exception that its anti-particle is everything that we currently see. We live inside an anti-singularity, which is everything that a singularity is not. A singularity is basically nothing, it's a point but it doesn't have any volume. The opposite of that is everything else, all this. And just like everything else , it also vibrates. In fact it's an even more abstracted version of the life and death of a universe that I mentioned above. At that point it becomes a matter of "nothing and something", and it's really hard to abstract beyond those concepts, atleast from our human perspective.

But it doesn't matter because we are blessed with an awareness exactly because of the reason that we cannot grasp everything. This is the whole point of being in this state, whatever the opposite of this state is or whatever the simplest or most complex abstraction is. We exist thanks to non-existence, and I love non-existence to death. (?)

brilliant read , deadaloops
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
#6 Posted : 12/29/2012 5:52:19 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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What I get from it is that there much be an observer and an observed.
"Think more than you speak"
"How do you get rid of the pain of having pain in the first place? You get rid of expectations"
"You are everything that is. Open yourself to the love and understanding that is available."
"To see God, you have to have met the Devil."
"When you know how to listen, everyone becomes a guru."
" One time, I didn't do anything, and it was so empty... Almost as if I wasn't doing anything. Then I wrote about it. It was fulfilling."
#7 Posted : 12/31/2012 7:49:35 AM

just curious

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Scene 1: Object(s) abound
Enter Subject

Subject perceives Object(s), interacts with, and enacts reality.

Scene 2: Object(s) abound
Enter Subject and Interlocutor

Subject perceives Object(s), interacts with, and enacts reality
Interlocutor interacts with Object(s), seems to perceive Object(s)
Subject perceives that Interlocutor seems to perceive Object(s), and establishes Reality

Who is Subject and who is Spectator? I'll play Spectator to your Subject if you'll do the same for me.
I'll even play Object, that's fun too Smile

Anyways, Reality ain't much different from reality as far as I can see.

#8 Posted : 1/1/2013 5:39:04 PM

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What daedaloops said. Eloquently stated.
#9 Posted : 1/1/2013 9:06:43 PM

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Jin wrote:
daedaloops wrote:
We live in a dualistic universe. There's hot or cold, big or small, high or low, close or far, in or out, on or off, something or nothing, life or death, light or dark, heaven or hell. If there was no dualism, nothing could exist in the way that we know it, because nothing would have anything to contrast itself to. If you imagine just the concept of a pure white light, it means absolutely nothing without comparing it to darkness.

And everything is basically just a vibration that occurs between these extremes. You can imagine the extreme points themselves to be like particles or prickles, and the vibrations between them are the waves or goo. So even the dualities themselves are just wave-particle dualities or prickle-goo dualities.

Think about life and death for example. When we have a life and exist in an organic body, during that time the switch is constantly on the "life" side of the duality. When we die, it goes back to the "death" side. That is just 1 wavelength of the entire vibration, but it goes so slow that from our perspective the "life" peak lasts a really long time. And it doesn't have to imply anything about the afterlife, it's just using our concepts of life and death, which are in other words: a state that we are currently in, and a state that was before our birth and will be after our death. The same can be abstracted to the life of the whole universe, it comes and goes, but it can never get stuck on just one side, because then that side would be all that existed so it couldn't exist because it would have nothing to compare itself to. So in a way our death or the end of the universe is nothing be afraid of because they are just natural states that are the opposite to this one.

Those are examples of binary dualities that have no middle states. In addition to binary dualities, the universe has axis that have values that are either low or high or somewhere between. Like the temperature axis or the dimensional axis or the time axis. The axis themselves can stretch on to seeming infinity, but the thing is that they have only 2 possible directions. And when you combine these axis together you get more complex structures like the 3D space or the higher-dimensional spaces. If you remove all the dimensional axis, what you're left with is a singularity.

Now where does the singularity fit in then? The singularity seems like an oddball, but it's in fact similar to a particle with the exception that its anti-particle is everything that we currently see. We live inside an anti-singularity, which is everything that a singularity is not. A singularity is basically nothing, it's a point but it doesn't have any volume. The opposite of that is everything else, all this. And just like everything else , it also vibrates. In fact it's an even more abstracted version of the life and death of a universe that I mentioned above. At that point it becomes a matter of "nothing and something", and it's really hard to abstract beyond those concepts, atleast from our human perspective.

But it doesn't matter because we are blessed with an awareness exactly because of the reason that we cannot grasp everything. This is the whole point of being in this state, whatever the opposite of this state is or whatever the simplest or most complex abstraction is. We exist thanks to non-existence, and I love non-existence to death. (?)

brilliant read , deadaloops

This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
#10 Posted : 1/1/2013 10:34:31 PM

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I posted this in the Non-local Origin of Consciousness thread but I figured it would be relevant to this discussion also:

(From The Cracking Tower, by Jim DeKorne.)

"What better way for God to know himself than to divide his awareness so that he can observe objectively as creator and subjectively as creation?"

The author also talks about how many esoteric philosophies refer to "us" as being thoughts in the Mind of God- "objects" that "Consciousness-Without-An-Object" has been imagining for eons:

"One of the first things we learn is that emanation consists of a hierarchy of awareness. The Kabbalah explains that the Ein-Sof (Logos, Brahman, whatever) made ten emanations called Sephiroth, vessels to contain the light (consciousness) pouring into them from Consciousness-Without-An-Object's imagination. These vessels weren't able to contain this outpouring, and in what Kabbalists describe as a "cosmic catastrophe", the vessels shattered in into innumerable pieces and scattered throughout the realms of hyperspace, each fragment containing a spark of divine light (that's us). The main task of every Kabbalist is to "raise the sparks" of his or her own separated consciousness to reunite with the Ein-Sof that emanated them."

"Every sentient entity in the multiverse is both an observer and an object of perception, and the source from which they emanate is the Primary Observer, which is unadulterated Consciousness itself. Before emanation, perception can not take place because perception involves both an observer and that which is observed."


"[The universe is apparently] constructed (and thus in such as way as to be able) to see itself. But in order to do so, evidently it must first cut itself up into at least one state which sees, and at least one other state which is seen. In this severed and multilated condition, whatever it sees is only partially itself...But, in any attempt to see itself as an object, it must, equally undoubtedly, act so as to make itself distinct from, and therefore, false to, itself. In this condition it will always partially elude itself." (55)

"Thus consciousness is prior to observation. Combine this logical necessity with emanation and we see that whatever the Cosmic Mind imagines cannot be separated from its source. It follows then, that as the matter-energy created within this explosive act of imagination expands and fragments, becoming ever more complex, each emerging monad of fresh awareness perceives as a subjective fractal of the objective One Mind in whatever dimension it finds itself. Hence universe becomes Multiverse." (Big Bang?)
Parshvik Chintan
#11 Posted : 1/1/2013 11:49:14 PM

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EDIT: i decided to just mash all my posts from that thread into one

Parshvik Chintan wrote:
Alan Watts wrote:
the great secret of brahman is going from 0 to 1

out of zero, we can divide a positive and a negative. yin and yang.
this can be replicated on an infinite scale

what thing can possibly prevent nothing from being something?
if you had one unit of pure light, and another unit of pure dark (obviously not a thing, but for the sake of argument...).
each would be a unit, or thing. in this case the light would be positive and the dark negative.

now you take these 2 units, and add them together... what do you have?
something that is neither light nor dark.
it has no qualities of thingness, for a thing it is not. it would be... no thing.

in this sense, i am trying to say that you can take an absolute nothingness (With no qualities of thingness) and divide it into a positive and a negative thing.
like if you have a magnetic field, but combine the positive and negative, they would cancel each other out and the field would be no more.

only what i am proposing, is that within nothing, the potential for positive and negative, light and dark exist. the nothingness can be split into somethingness.

so that you could take this positive and negative, combine them into nothingness, then split them back into somethingness. theoretically.
it seems to be a straightforward and simple mathematical equation, but it seems almost too obvious to be correct.
nen888 wrote:
^..you mean like Phase Cancellation..?

kinda, (i am still unclear as to whether the waveforms fully cease to exist, in which case that would be a perfect analogy) yeah.
i am saying nothing exists only in contrast to this reality.

we are on the other side of the equation.

on one side there would be nothingness, the other duality.
and the unification of duality results in nothingness (dark cancels light and light cancels dark)

the only thing we have (that would appear to be nothing) is the equivalent of -1

here we have a thing, and its opposite (seemingly no-thing, but truly it would be un-thing)

Pythagoras wrote:
Numbers are the essence of all things and the metaphysical principle of rational order in the universe

Alan Watts wrote:
So, everything is basically coming and going. Take, for example, sound. If you listen to sound and slow the sound down, just as when you look with a magnifying glass you find that solid things are full of holes, when you magnify sound you find it is full of silences. Sound is sound-silence. There is no such thing as pure sound, just as there is no such thing as pure something---something always goes together with nothing. Solids are always found in spaces, and no spaces are found except where there are solids. You might imagine there being a space without any solid in it, but you will never, never encounter one, because you will be there in the form of a solid to find out about it. They go together, these things, solid and space. The positive and the negative and the "here we are and here we aren't" all go together in the same way, like the back and front of a coin. You can't have a coin that has a back and no front.
My wind instrument is the bong
Walter D. Roy
#12 Posted : 1/16/2013 11:24:38 PM

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I think that existence and experience itself is enough to satisfy the formula for creation. We are talking about objective existence here, not a pragmatic need to reproduce. Therefore when we look at something, we can look at ourselves. We talk about white light, well let the white light take a look inside of itself and it finds a whole universe! This is objective existence, where the subjective existence is inside. There is no need for "two" but there is need for duality. It is just that the duality can be found inside the object itself.

If a rock is to look at its existence, then it sees two things, well one to say. The fact that it exists, and the fact that it does not exist. Or the non-existence it brings into life. But the non-existence isnt a reality, or objective existence. Because it doesn't exist.
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
#13 Posted : 1/30/2013 3:19:59 AM

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If one is left alone they can be completely absorbed into delusion, but once there are two consciousnesses observing independently and subjectively we can therefor prove a constant, reality. Unless of course I am you and you are me and we are all together, then I guess reality really is a delusion.
We are surprisingly similar.
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