So a few days ago I had a life changing experience which led me onto this forum. I have my own thoughts about what this was and would like to hear other, more experienced peoples' opinions.
I came across this DMT and had a 'day' of it. Reading loads about it; trip reports, watching The Spirit Molecule (the one hosted by Joe Rogan?), documentaries of people going to the Amazon and taking Aya etc.
After about two hours I indulged for a bit and started to listen to some brainwave generators that apparently stimulate the pineal gland (first time trying) and also did some breathing exercises. I felt very relaxed and then started to smoke some cannabis along with doing these breathing exercises (really deep tokes). After about 20 or so minutes of this I felt nicely buzzed and a bit more "whew". I then put on a documentary about these guys who travel to the Amazon to do the drug Ayahuasca with the tribes people.
As I was watching this, I was getting an increasing feeling of wanting to move? like stand up? With the content of the film talking about being free/experiencing different universes, letting things go etc etc. I just decided to stand up and do what my body wanted.
"Let's just see where this goes."
I stood up straight, turned around on the spot, tidied up my couch and just sat back down. After this strange slightly out-of-control moment, I started getting into the film..I felt more released and open to all of the films ideas.
Then all of a sudden the thought came into my head "why not" - not about anything specifically..just 'why not' - and my heart started beating hard. I felt scared to begin with but just went with it and started relaxing into it..feeling the vibrations of my heart speed up and up and my eyes closed. At this point my third eye area started to pound and then both my heart and third eye were just the two things I could see in front of me. It's funny, at this point I didn't feel like my eyes were closed or open...I was just seeing this a different way. The picture of my heart and eye went into each other, and white flashed out of them..white energy all GJGJZGJZJZJJZGZG. Really hard to explain...and not as negative as it sounds either. All of this can sound negative and scary but it's totally not how it was felt after relaxing into it.
And then I just let go...almost involuntarily.
My eye almost..screamed out a huge white blast of "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" type energy but silent. As I was listening to it, the 'sound' transformed into a wave form (sound into a visual...although the sound was silent! It was more like a really strong vibration felt) in front of me and then changed into 3 lights (like lens flares) in a triangle then went into me and then I just appeared in this (what felt like) vast universe, floating and watching over this blissful universe. I could've stayed like that felt wonderful. It then started to switch between this huge space/universe image and just pure white. it was like..switching between two dimensions. fwwip one side....fwwwip then the other....fwwwip back. Then as I realised they were the same thing, it just melted back into the universe image but with inverted colours this time and then a feeling of 'that's the same thing'..back into white and looped for a bit....this re-occuring thought of it's the same...everything is everything kept entering my head. It's all I could think to myself. Also when I got to this universe point, the vibrations stopped.
It felt like this for 5 or so minutes and then my body just slowly stopped receiving this..what felt like information. I then felt my physical head start to nod forward (kind of like a robot shutting down would look like haha) and then I slowly opened my eyes involuntarily. Straight after I sat there in awe and then felt the need to cry? Let out this huge sigh..felt great.
Unbelievably amazing. All of these different listenings, readings and breathing exercises must have triggered something?
Comments below about an hour after;
-Maybe that feeling of wanting to move around was another body in me testing/making sure I was ready to do this. Like..surrendering to it is a way of entering it.
-During the heart/eye image going into each other, sometimes things would go first and third person really quickly..even though it was just a picture with two things in front of me.. It was confusing..couldn't really grasp what perspective I was viewing all this from at times. Things like this make me think it was my brain trying to make sense of it but failing because I believe this was an experience outside the physical plane.
Whew! So that was it really. I rarely have dreams but since then have been having about 2-3 dreams every night without fail. They are 'normal' dreams and do not relate to anything mentioned above.
Since then, all fear and anxiety about everything has gone. I feel a little 'released'. I also have stopped casually smoking now feels wasteful to just be getting high for no reason. I also make more of an effort to eat more healthily.
I'm yet to try DMT but I feel this was the perfect 'primer'
What do you think?