Not being a firm believer in chance and coincidence, I've decided to join what appears to be a compassionate and understanding community after stumbling upon it more than once. I wish to learn whatever there is to learn from here, as I'm sure there's a lot; also hoping to put forward any knowledge I might have after taking a more in-depth stroll around the website.
An introduction..hmm..I've been interested in the realm of psychedelics and all it entails, from spiritual advancement and self betterment, to an improved insight into everything that surrounds me and concerns my existence on this realm, since I was around 14 years old. It's been an...interesting journey so far, and an amazing one at that. Learned an immense amount, still have much much more to learn.
You are an imperfect being, created by an imperfect being. Finding your weakness, is only a matter of time.