Ive been recalling my nightly dreams for the last 8 years and lucid dreaming and OBEs were always my goal..
In one dream .. I have driven into mountains at night parked and walked down a trail got lost and later in this dream woke up ..[still in the dream].. on a high peak [still in dream] i was in a hollowed out stone eagles nest erosion in the rock.. high on a mountain top..[
I wondered [still in the non lucid dream] how did I get here?.[did an eagle take me here?I thouht]?
Then [as morning sun was comming up]..I climbed down and found a walking trail and found my way back to where i parked my car ..
At the mountain cafe where i parked..i asked where was my car?
The dream carector answered..its parked in storage lot behind cafe you can get it in an hour..
I said ok [still not lucid in this beautyfully detailed and life life dream]..then walked 50 feet towards a sound I heard..
When I stoped at a cliff ..then I looked down into a rageing mountain river...
Just then [critical awareness kicked in and I knew I was dreaming!..[lucidity starts!]
Knowing I was safe in a dream ..I steped off the high cliff above the raging river and fell halfway down ..but the free fall stoped in mid air.. and i began flying superman style!
I flew and flew ..folowling the path of the rageing river laughing all the way!
Flying fast..I continued folowing the river for many miles.. folowing the sharp winding turns..
I sudenly flew off the rivers course and streaked towards a very high group of mountains and with a burst of high speed then soared over the peaks with a speed that brought tears of joy to my eyes!
All the awesome flying caused an excitement that woke me out the the dream and found myself ion bed...
I had the dream above..5 years ago and remember it like it hapened this morning!
In other awesome lucid.. and non lucid dreams.. I have done things like ...[walking through walls many times] .
.often when pushing through glass the glass would stretch first then give way ...
I once was at the bottom floor of a tall sky scraper and lucid flew upwards superman style tearing through all 55 floors of concrete wood and glass till i tore through the top 55th floor and roof soaring high into the sky!
In another dream [lucid] i slowly ripped the ceiling out of a huge building till i got through the roof exposing a bright sunny day with blue sky and white clouds!
In other dreams..[I have fallen asleep within the dream]..[then dreamed within the dream].. then woke [ within the dream]..and told a [dream carector] that i had fallen asleep and had a dream?..
Just this morning I had a dream and ..[while in the dream] was looking for a beautyfull town i had been to in the past.. where anything was posible and life there was like a never ending carnivile of fun..
In this dream i was in a huge dream city... and was looking for this town i remembered and trying to find the right road asking every dream carector i saw for directions!
Still looking for this town .. walking for miles in this giant city of dreams.. i was directed to walk over this huge draw bridge over a body of water to find the right path...
I started up one side and the bridge got very steep and i sensed danger ahead and then ran across two lanes of trafic to the other side of the slowly raising draw bridge..
On other side i continued upward but the walkway was moving downward like an esculater and getting extreemly steep and get to the top was very hard and scary..
I then moved to the earth on side of bridge and slowly climbed downwards till i met a couple of freindly teens and asked them how i could get to the road i needed to find this town..and they told me another way so i headed off in another direction in this huge city of towering giant buildings..
I just had to find the road to this beauityfull town!.. i remembered so well!
Whell after walking for more miles in the dream city looking downwards from a hill i was on i saw the road i needed to be on to get to this town i remembered!
As I started in the direction ..i sudenly woke up in bed !..from this [awesomly vivid].. but non lucid dream..that almost became lucid but i missed the dream cue..
after waking up from dream in bed ..thinking about this town that i knew ive been to in the past ..I sudenly realized something...[this town i was searching for].. .[while in my dream this morning].. was a memory of another dream I had years ago!!!
anyth is posible in a dream!